Chapter 121 The so-called killing bureau

After entering the passage, Zhang Lie seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness, and he could not see his fingers around him.


At this moment, a dull sound sounded from the ground, as if it was the roar of mechanical operation.

clap clap!

The continuous crisp sound continued one after another, and the dazzling white light was lit around the passage, which illuminated the surrounding scene.

Zhang Lie frowned slightly. He is still in the passage now. There are a few statues around, most of which are genetic beasts. Under the soft light, each and everyone seems to be alive.

The blue-gray floor has some pale white lines winding forward, like a long snake guiding the way forward.

Zhang Lie's expression was solemn and he did not easily underestimate it, because Mediterranean and others deliberately targeted him.

Although he knew the content of the battle strength assessment, he had to be cautious.

At the end of the passage, a mechanical gate blocked the way, Zhang Lie knew that the assessment had begun.


"Combat strength assessment, officially opened!"

A cold mechanical sound confirmed Zhang Lie's thoughts, and then the headlight in the center of the mechanical door flashed red.


The mechanical door opened, and a puff of white smoke came out of the door.

After the door was completely opened, Zhang Lie discovered that the place where the combat power was assessed was a Colosseum, and the ground was covered with cracked stones, which were extremely strong and could withstand violent impacts.

In addition, the Colosseum is circular, and the surrounding walls are full of caves that are enough for one person to pass through. Standing in the center of the training ground and looking up, the cave is dark and I don't know what is inside.

"Assessment begins."

The sound of the machine sounded again, the door of the machine closed, the lights of the training ground dimmed immediately, and the countless caves on the wall spewed thick mist, making Zhang Lie standing in the center have the illusion of being the enemy of the world.

When the fog was extremely thick, a group of black shadows rushed out of a cave.

Zhang Lie only felt the strong wind blowing, and the source of energy was activated immediately when the hair stood up, and the wave of light scales activated.

The ground originally covered by cracked stones was immediately pure and flawless, and the waves on it were like stars.

However, there was no blood, and Zhang Lie's figure was instantly shattered, and it was an afterimage.

At this time, Zhang Lie was behind the shadow early, and he was looking up and down at the shadow. The shadow was not big, and its unusually thick limbs were firmly attached to the ground, like an adult-sized pit bull.

Its body is covered with a dark iron armor, and each joint has electric and light throughput, upright pointed ears, and elongated dog face. It is a peculiar mechanical dog.

Zhang Lie secretly thought it was strange, but he didn't expect that this combat power assessment would use a mechanical dog for the assessment.

While he was still looking at it, the light of the cave suddenly flickered continuously, and an extremely large number of mechanical dogs flew out of the cave and came straight to Zhang Lie.

Seeing that the mechanical dog was covered by lightning in mid-air, the speed skyrocketed in an instant, and all the lightning flint came straight to Zhang Lie's throat.

The long mouth is open, and it is full of sharp and sharp serrations. The material used is an extremely strong alloy.

Mechanical dogs, manufactured in imitation of dog bugs, can exert different levels of combat power according to the cost. These mechanical dogs are estimated to be full of standards in the world.

Zhang Lie swayed his body to avoid the attack, and at the same time he shot out three palms, three palms rolled out of the monstrous waves, and went straight to the mechanical dog.


With a muffled sound, the waves violently hit the black alloy skin of the mechanical dog, causing the mechanical dog to burst open at the moment of contact!

But this was only one, and the remaining mechanical dogs were numerous, attacking Zhang Lie like a black tide.

Zhang Lie's eyes are cold, and the mechanical dog is agile and powerful in attack. It is absolutely difficult for ordinary warriors full of genes to deal with it. It's a pity that they encountered Zhang Lie.

He has passed through the real sea of worms, not to mention these imitations.

The swift wind and wolf soul jade shone through the rays of light, Zhang Lie's speed suddenly soared, and the blue light shone through and out. There were hurricanes on the training ground, and a figure in the hurricane was blurry and difficult to capture.

The mechanical dogs remained motionless, and the data in the pupils was constantly calculating where Zhang Lie might be.

The scanning net immediately spread over the entire training ground, naturally surrounding Zhang Lie, locking on the target, the mechanical dog launched an attack, Zhang Lie's eyes narrowed, and a sense of crisis came.

I saw that the mechanical dog opened its huge mouth, and from the mouth covered with alloy sawtooth spit out a hot column of high temperature fire.

What surprised Zhang Lie even more was that the pillar of fire quickly resembled a laser beam, and the surrounding space became a little distorted due to the high temperature.

Most of his current exercises are at the advanced water attribute stage. These fire pillars are only occasional to him, but he is immediately alert when the fire pillar lights up.

What really alerted him was not these pillars of fire, but the terrifying aura lurking behind them.

When the pillar of fire attacked, Zhang Lie swung his Zidu Nether Sword at will, and Haoran's sword roared out instantly extinguishing the pillar of fire.

The collision of high temperature and water attributes immediately filled the training ground with a lot of smoke.

At this moment, Zhang Lie's back ridge lit up, and a poisonous snake hidden in the dark finally showed his fangs.

Before turning his head, the source of light behind him made a big splash, and the wind whistled constantly. If you didn't listen carefully, it seemed like a wolf howl.

The fierce wind blade immediately cut open Zhang Lie's battle clothes.

Zhang Lie frowned slightly, his expression was slightly solemn, the source power in his body was running wildly, and the monstrous sword was surging like the wrath of the sea god.


Under the stormy waves, countless mechanical dogs shattered instantly. .

At the same time, Zhang Lie's ever-changing soul jade followed, a glass battle armor condensed, and a mad hurricane greeted him.

The hurricane rushed towards Zhang Lie, and the wind was so fast that it felt like it was about to be torn apart.

With such a strong aura of source power, and with this level of cultivation technique, Zhang Lie instantly judged that the shot should be a genetic warrior full of genes from the Second Realm.

It seems that this person is the killer move of the Wang family.

When his mind changed, Zhang Lie showed a faint smile, and the other party's deployment was not what he expected.

The battle strength assessment is all under the control of the Federation Martial Arts Alliance, so the Mediterranean Lao Yang may be able to make some changes, but he absolutely does not dare to completely break the rules.

The strength of the incoming person will definitely not exceed the level of the second world being full.

And for Zhang Lie, just a gene warrior full of genes in the Second Realm is simply not enough.

You know, he is an existence that can kill even Samsung Mowei.

Since the strength of the incoming person is not unexpected, then the one who should be careful is that the opponent's tactics or the number of people are tricky.

This idea had just arisen, and a wave of heat hit his face, and the firelight made Zhang Lie's face flush red.

I saw a fireball flying towards Zhang Lie, and with the help of the strong fire of the hurricane, the size of the fireball also continued to rise, which meant that it merged with the hurricane.

Wind and fire complement each other, right? Sure enough, more than one Second Realm was full of genes, Zhang Lie whispered, almost all of them as expected.

The fireballs and hurricanes blended together, spinning at high speed to form a terrifying flame tornado, which drowned Zhang Lie in an instant.