Chapter 130 Seeking Su Feng

It is also these big characters that let everyone know that they are not in the wrong place.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome home!"

Without waiting for everyone to be amazed, Zhang Hong walked slowly with a smile as soon as everyone came back, holding a series of documents in his hands, most of which were related to the martial arts hall.

Zhang Lie took it and looked at it carefully. As for the other extreme squad members, they naturally spread out to observe the martial arts hall.

The martial arts hall is very large, with simple decoration around it. The main body of black texture and atmosphere, with simple white decoration, can be described as unique.

"Okay, Sister Zhang, there is no problem, thank you for your hard work!"

Zhang Lie browsed for a while and said, and handed over the document to Zhang Hong again.

"What trouble do I have, it's not good that you came out in person in the end!"

Zhang Hong teased the ends of her ears, and smiled a little embarrassedly, this habitual action is different from before.

"Don't say that, that old Yang was an accident before, I don't blame you!"

Zhang Lie responded with a chuckle, reaffirming Zhang Hong's ability.

"Okay, then it's the opening date. Have you made a decision yet?"

"Well, it's just this month, the exact date is waiting for my letter!"


Zhang Hong blushed slightly, nodded and turned to leave,

"Captain, the martial arts hall is ready, what are you waiting for?"

Just after sending Zhang Hong, Sun Xiaowu suddenly asked.

The rest of the extreme team also returned to stare at Zhang Lie.

They all know very well what a martial arts hall in the world represents.

"Oh, nothing, waiting for some guy to prepare a present for me!"

Zhang Lie smiled slowly, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The Wang family wanted to kill him during the battle strength assessment. Now that the news of his opening of the martial arts hall spread all over the country, he did not believe that the Wang, Li, and Qin families could sit still.

Zhang Lie knew that the three schools would not dare to mess around, but the opening day of the martial arts hall was different.

Because that day, they had a clear reason.

"Sun Mengmeng, please keep an eye on this side of the martial arts hall, I have to go out if I have something to do."

Recovering his thoughts, Zhang Lie briefly explained, and then left the martial arts hall quickly.

As soon as he walked out of the martial arts hall, Zhang Lie suddenly found that the front door of the martial arts hall had been surrounded by water.

Countless local fans in Ningcheng shouted that they wanted to see Zhang Lie, and asked about the martial arts hall's acceptance criteria.

Zhang Lie lowered his head, and swiftly slid to the back door.

"I didn't expect that the famous Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie would have such a miserable day!"

However, just as he walked out of the back door, a laugh suddenly sounded, but it was Chu Feng who was greeted with a smile on his face.

Beside him, Yun Bing nodded slightly, saying hello.

"Isn't this Young Master Chu, don't make fun of me!" Zhang Lie smiled with a curved corner of his mouth.

Chu Tian was suddenly dumbfounded. It had been a long time since he had known Zhang Lie, and the two were already friends.

"Tell me, what wind brought you here!"

"What kind of wind? Hurricane! I'm not kidding you, do you know how many family ideas your martial arts gym has aroused?"

Chu Feng's face was solemn, and he was quite worried.

Zhang Lie frowned slightly, but it was not too surprising. He knew that he had made many enemies, and it was inevitable that some families would be ready to move.

He just didn't expect that Chu Feng would come directly to the current martial arts hall to inform him in this way, but this was mixed with the attitude of the Chu family.

"A hurricane? Come if you want. How can you see a rainbow if you don't experience a storm!"

Zhang Lie spoke slowly, his calm expression seemed to have been expected, but Chu Feng and Yun Bing were secretly surprised.

Zhang Lie has been in the limelight recently. If he stays dormant for a while, it will be fine. Now that he is going to open a martial arts hall, some families will naturally not sit idly by!

If these guys are determined to deal with Zhang Lie, even if Zhang Lie is a once-in-a-hundred-year genius, he will definitely not be able to deal with it.

After all, the family background is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

But looking at Zhang Lie like this, it seems that he did not take this matter into his eyes at all. With Chu Feng's understanding of Zhang Lie, there is no certainty that Zhang Lie will not be like this.

He looked at Zhang Lie up and down again, wondering in his heart how many unknown secrets were hidden under this calm face.

"Zhang Lie, be careful, this time, Qin, Wang, and Li may not be the only ones who want to attack you."

Seeing this, Yun Bing on the side also spoke with a solemn expression.

"There are more than three, it's okay, I'm afraid of trouble, so I can solve it at one time!"

Zhang Lie frowned slightly. To be honest, he really didn't pay much attention to Qin, Wang, and Li's family.

I just didn't expect that these three families would let go of all their grievances. Before, they were the main representatives of dog bite dog.

"Thank you Miss Yun, thank you Master Chu!"

"Be careful in everything, in this world it is no better than the Void Realm!"

Seeing that Zhang Lie seemed a little dissatisfied, Chu Feng solemnly warned again.

Zhang Lie still chuckled: "Well, thank you very much, I'm going to go out now, you guys go to the martial arts hall to visit, and when I get back, let's have a good drink!"

Zhang Lie was no longer hypocritical. After receiving this favor, he immediately invited the two to visit the martial arts hall.

Chu Feng and Yun Bing didn't ask any further questions. After simply looking at each other, they followed the maintenance staff of the martial arts hall into the martial arts hall.

Zhang Lie made a polite sentence again, and then quickly slipped out of the back door, leaving only a thin but sturdy back.

"Is this guy really not worried?" Chu Feng muttered to himself.

"Let's not worry about it, I always feel that he can handle it himself!"

Yun Bing stared at the place where Zhang Lie left, with a bit of confidence in her mouth.

"Really, listening to you say that, I suddenly have some expectations!"

Looking at the back of Zhang Lie's departure, I don't know when it started, and the so-called favored man like him has long since faded away.

"Let's go, go in and have a look! The family's attitude is really chilling."

Yun Bing shook her head and let out a long sigh. The two of them knew Zhang Lie very well, and from this they knew best what the family had lost.

At this time, Zhang Lie didn't know that the two of them would sigh so much, so they ran towards the suburbs of Ningcheng.

About half an hour later, Zhang Lie finally found a majestic fortress hidden from the mountains by relying on his past life memories.

On the pitch-black fortress, a violent wind pattern was engraved, and there were countless bright and dark whistles around, and there were countless tiny spider-shaped reconnaissance robots in the distance.

With such a building and such a style, this place naturally belongs to a military fortress in Ningcheng, Huaxia.

The Black Wind Fortress is usually unknown to the public. Generally, only when Ningcheng encounters a powerful attack, or even an alien invasion, will the mysterious fortress appear and protect the tranquility of the city.

Of course, such a military fortress is naturally not allowed to approach civilians at will.

"Military forbidden area, do not approach!"

No, Zhang Lie appeared in the opponent's field of vision, and countless spider-shaped robots were already surrounding him.

The two outermost sentinels rushed up quickly, and at the same time as they said in a low voice, the source energy on the body surface exploded instantly.

In order to save some trouble, Zhang Lie deliberately wore a mask to cover his real face. Naturally, the two sentinels could not recognize him.

Zhang Lie didn't move for a while. After looking at the two sentries, he took a few steps back, indicating that he was not malicious.

However, there is no intention of leaving.

What does this guy want?

The two genetic warriors were secretly vigilant, and said solemnly again: "Military place, leave quickly!"

Hearing the words of the two sentries, Zhang Lie looked at the garrison fortress, did not act rashly but did not leave.

This is his destination, he finally found it, how could he leave so easily!

The opening day of the martial arts hall will be a critical time for him to gain a foothold. Qin, Li, and Wang's three families are hostile, and they will never sit back and watch his martial arts hall successfully open.

Compared with the previous few times, this time his actions have crossed the bottom line in the hearts of many families, and they are likely to kill themselves at all costs!

Now that the arrival of Chu Feng and Yun Bing, he almost clearly told him the attitude of the two families, so he must make more plans for himself.

"I want to see Commander Su Feng." Zhang Lie's calm expression was astonishing.

The two sentries were stunned, seeing Commander Su Feng?

This is the supreme commander of Ningcheng Huaxia Heifeng Fortress, how can a commoner see it if he wants to?

"Don't make trouble here, or don't blame me for being merciless under the gun."

A sentinel soldier raised the gun in his hand with a cold expression, intending to pull the trigger on Zhang Lie if he disagreed.

"Are you sure I'm making trouble?"

Zhang Lie raised his brows and slowly eased the mask on his face. A face with clear water chestnuts was completely exposed in front of the two sentries.

"Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie?"

Both of them exclaimed in surprise, and then realized that the sound was too loud, and then hurriedly covered their mouths.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, the excited faces of the two gradually returned to calm. After all, they are the genetic warriors of China. If they were seen by others, it would be a bit embarrassing!

"How, may I go to see Commander Su Feng now?" Zhang Lie looked at the entrance behind the two.

When the two sentries heard this, their faces were a little embarrassed. It was true that Zhang Lie's name was loud, but Commander Su Feng was the supreme commander of Ningcheng Heifeng Fortress, so Zhang Lie didn't see such a character just by saying it.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, just directly inform that Long Lang Zhang Lie has to meet Commander Su Feng immediately!" Zhang Lie said calmly.

After Zhang Lie defended the capital, he has become a fighting hero whose full name is concerned. Every time he replays his battle scenes, everyone's blood boils.

That fearless figure, with sharp eyes like a sword, deeply shocked everyone's heart.

Now that he took the initiative to appear at the garrison fortress, and bluntly said that if there is an important matter, he must see Commander Su Feng, which naturally attracted the attention of the two sentries.

"Just a moment, we'll report it right away!"

The two Sentinel soldiers glanced at each other, and then one of them immediately turned around and trotted, rushing into the depths of the garrison fortress.

Seeing that the matter had entered a state of processing, another sentry asked, "Zhang Lie, the dragon wolf, can I ask you a question?"

Zhang Lie nodded nonchalantly, and the sentinel immediately said excitedly: "I want to ask, when you faced Samsung Mowei with your strength, were you really not afraid?"

The sentinel looked very young, and the question was quite green, which made Zhang Lie smile involuntarily.

"The brave who meet in a narrow path wins. When that time comes, there is no time to be afraid!"