Chapter 144 Queue to slaughter

This also means that the so-called limit breakthrough and Lin Xiu and other old-fashioned powerhouses are basically missed.

Of course, even if this matter is not related to the older generation of powerhouses, it cannot stop it from spreading at a terrifying speed.

After all, even if this message was missed by the older generation of powerhouses, it undoubtedly has trans-generational significance for the younger generation of human beings.

For the entire human world, it is also an extreme shock!

Almost at the same time, the Black Iron Base was quickly overcrowded.

Almost all the guys who could be teleported to the Black Iron Base got news from their respective channels and started running towards the White Liquid Jade Wormhole.

However, at this moment, the so-called cave that is rich in white liquid jade worms has long been empty.

"Okay, the opening benefits of the Extreme Martial Arts Center have been sent out, so the opening ceremony will officially end!"

"Later, there will be a luncheon at the martial arts hall. Those who are willing to stay for lunch can stay, and those who don't want to stay are free!"

After the announcement of the extreme genes, the opening ceremony was completely over, and the guests from all sides began to leave the venue one after another.

Among them, Wang Han, Qin Chongming, and others were bleeding from their hearts when they left.

Every time they recalled the loss they suffered from Zhang Lie, they could not wait to rush up to kill Zhang Lie immediately.

However, at this moment, they also know that it is impossible,

Because they no longer have the ability to do so, the price of which they can no longer afford.

Not to mention Zhang Lie's Dragon Soul badge for the time being, just relying on Commander Su Feng's appointment as an extension coach means that Zhang Lie is already an unshakable existence for them.

"Alas! Let's go!" Maybe we've got a guy we can't provoke in the first place! "

Wang Han let out a long sigh, then left the extreme martial arts hall without looking back.

As for Qin Chongming's natural recovery, Su Feng had no chance at this opening ceremony.

Then… it can only see if there is a good time in the title battle.

"I won't eat the meal. After you have dealt with the matter of the martial arts hall, report to Blackwind Castle immediately!"

Commander Su Feng pressed down on the brim of his military cap, and then patted Zhang Lie on the shoulder again.

At this time, Zhang Lie naturally nodded respectfully.


The sound of the machine running again, the huge ship took off, and Commander Su Feng left.

And with his departure, the entire martial arts hall gradually became lively.

Because of Zhang Lie, the limit breakthrough he announced, and his great strength, the martial arts hall was extremely popular.

Many parents in the Fucheng District of Ningcheng also rushed to send their children to the extreme martial arts hall.

However, the seemingly simple entry conditions are not as simple as they seem.

First of all, the loyalty of this first rule also stops most of the guys who want to mix in and learn the way to break through the limit.

"The martial arts hall… is finally open." Seeing the lively scene in front of him, Zhang Lie finally breathed a sigh of relief.



Ning Cheng was sparsely populated near the suburbs, and there were a few hotels scattered around. A figure in disguise walked slowly, looked around and walked into one of the most inconspicuous hotels.

The facilities in the hotel were outdated, and the visitor couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, and then ignored the front desk and went straight upstairs.

Going straight to Room 309, before getting close to the door, a low shout suddenly came from inside, followed by strong source power fluctuations.


"it's me."

The person who came to respond was actually Qin Chongming, so the identity of the person inside was about to be revealed.

After hearing this voice, the fluctuation of the source energy in the room immediately calmed down.

With a crunch, the door opened, and Qin Xiao, who was pale and looked a little vicissitudes, stood at the door.

Qin Chongming sighed lightly, and then walked in. The windows in the room were turned on in the night mode, and the surrounding light was dim, but through the weak light, you could see the simple furniture inside.

"Dad, that Zhang Lie…"

Qin Chongming walked to a dilapidated sofa and sat down, Qin Xiao immediately licked his dry lips and asked.

"We failed, that Zhang Lie is already full of wings, and there is nothing that can be done about the alliance of several major families!"

After a moment of silence, Qin Chongming frowned deeply and said in a deep voice.

"How is that possible? Are you mistaken? He is just a poor man from a poor family. How can he compete against several big families?"

Qing Xiao's face was full of disbelief.

"Oh, we know too little about you and him, you listen to me…"

Qin Chongming sighed again, and then told Qin Xiao everything that happened in the extreme martial arts hall today.

When he heard that Commander Su Feng personally visited and hired Zhang Lie to be the coach of Heifengbao, Qin Xiao's eyes were sluggish, and his face was paler.

Black Wind Fortress Su Feng is backed, so Zhang Lie is not dared to move, isn't his own hatred…

"Xiao'er, don't worry, Zhang Lie's enemies are not just us!"

"Also, in the title battle in the void, you are not without a chance!"

"That guy Zhang Lie just announced a piece of news that can greatly increase the strength of your younger generation!"

"In addition, I have already found someone to record all the battle scenes of Zhang Lie. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and work hard to repair the chain! I believe that with your talent, one day you can destroy this little beast!"

Qin Chongming saw Qin Xiao speak in such a hurry, and put a crystal yuan in Qin Xiao's palm.

"What kind of news did that guy announce?" Hearing this, Qin Xiao's face recovered a bit of blood, and he shook Jing Yuan in his hands and said solemnly.

Qin Chongming talked about the limit gene together again, Qin Xiao's face changed again after hearing this.

He has not met any of the so-called three conditions, but it was only for a moment, and he immediately reacted.

"Dad, what do you mean, you want me to rehabilitate?" Qin Xiao's eyes were full of madness.

"That's right, if you can't break it, it won't stand up. As long as you can break through to the limit, it won't matter if you break it and rebuild it!"

"If you still want to defeat Zhang Lie in this life, then you must break through and rebuild, and you must break through the genetic limit!"

Qin Chongming's eyes turned cold and he said solemnly.

Qin Xiao was stunned for a moment. It would take a lot of courage to give up everything now to break through the limit gene.

After all, although that method is feasible, it is not a 100% success rate.

"The Void Title Battle is just around the corner, this time…"

"Don't hesitate, in the urban battle stage, even if you fail, you will definitely be able to handle it!"

Qin Xiao was a little hesitant, because it seems that it is too late in terms of time now.

But Qin Chongming interrupted Qin Xiao decisively.

"You are the future of your father, I will not harm you, and I will use all means for you to help you get the resources to break through the limit!"

"it is good!"

Hearing what the old father said, Qin Xiao naturally had nothing to say, and then crossed his legs and closed his eyes, the already chaotic aura became even more chaotic in an instant.

Next, the two exchanged a few words in a low voice, and Qin Chongming quietly left the hotel, as quietly as when he came.



The periphery of the black iron base in the void world.

The vicinity of the White Liquid Jade Worm Cave, where there are almost no people at ordinary times, can be described as a sea of people at this moment.

No way, as soon as Zhang Lie's news is released, this is bound to be the case here.

"What's the situation? Isn't there countless white liquid jade worms here, why can't you see any of them?"

"Which family is so ruthless that they took away all the white liquid jade worms!"

"MD, it's been a long time since I saw the traces of the White Liquid Jade Insect."

"Could it have been cleaned up long ago?"

"No… Have you forgotten, the nickname of Longlang Zhang Lie before?"

Just when everyone was irritable, a weak voice sounded, and when everyone heard the words, there was a sudden thump in their hearts.

Yes, Zhang Lie, the dragon wolf earlier, was dubbed the bottom king of the base because he had been in the White Liquid Jade Wormhole for three full months since he entered the Void Realm.

What is the concept of three months, and it is more than two years when converted into the time of the Void Realm.

At that time, many people laughed at him for being stupid, but now I think Zhang Lie is not stupid at all, but the people who laugh at him are stupid…

They were all laughing at that time. The White Liquid Jade Insect was almost the lowest genetic life in the Void Realm. What's the use of cleaning up the soft core of this thing?

At this moment, recalling Zhang Lie who returned to the base with bags of white liquid jade worm soft cores on his back, in addition to envy and hatred, everyone only felt a little hot on his cheeks, as if someone had slapped him hard.

"It seems that if you want the soft core of the white liquid jade worm, you have to find someone Zhang Lie!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and send this news back." Many genetic warriors scrambled to say.

"By the way, the Yun and Chu families have swept away this piece for a while, and they may have some stock in their hands!"

Some of the soldiers did know about Zhang Lie's previous actions, but they didn't expect that so many white liquid jade worm cores would be swept away long ago.

The news that the Black Iron Base and the White Liquid Jade Wormholes were all swept away quickly spread.

In the absence of any substitutes, the soft core of Baiye Jadeworm is extremely precious.

Especially some big families, geniuses in some clans, because they once ate the soft core of Baiye Jade Insect, after breaking the work and successfully breaking through the limit gene.

The price of the soft core of the white liquid jade worm has risen in geometric multiples again, and soon it will enter a situation where it is difficult to find a core.

Many people were shocked, but what would you do without the soft core of the white liquid jade worm? The answer is very simple, find Zhang Lie! purchase! !

The news will soon be heard by Qin Chongming.

"What, that guy!"

Qin Chongming was furious when he heard this, and slapped the cracked stone table with a slap.


Only a loud bang was heard, and the ground trembled.

Catching all the white liquid jade worm soft cores in advance, and then releasing the news of the limit gene, Zhang Lie is really a link, but unconsciously, all the families are counted.

"Can't you find this thing anywhere else?"

Qin Chongming took a deep breath and asked, he really didn't want to go to Zhang Lie unless he had to.

"Homecoming Lord, I have searched almost everywhere in the Void Realm, and the White Liquid Jade Insect is unique to the surroundings of the Black Iron Base!"

"The so-called liquid jade growth factor is even more illusory. Except for Zhang Lie, I am afraid that no one knows the secret!"

On Qin Chongming's left, an intelligence officer swallowed and said.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Chongming's face became even more gloomy.

"So, if you want to get the soft core of the white liquid jade worm, you can only buy it at the extreme martial arts hall, and let him slaughter it as Zhang Lie does!"

"Judging from the current situation, this is probably the only way to obtain the core of the white liquid jade worm. However, given the relationship between our family and Zhang Lie, the soft core of the white liquid jade worm may not be so easy to obtain!"

"Shut up! No matter how difficult it is, the Qin family must get a batch of white liquid jade insects to soften and send people to the extreme martial arts hall immediately!"


In desperation, Qin Chongming had only this choice, and immediately sent people to the extreme martial arts hall.

Looking at the extreme martial arts hall at this time, the floating parking lot outside the door was already full, and the scene was even more spectacular than the day of the opening ceremony.

Countless figures with heads and faces even lined up two long dragons in front of the martial arts hall.

The corner of the Qin family's mouth twitched, and he instantly knew what the team was doing.

At this time, everyone knows who has the soft core of the White Liquid Jade Worm. Naturally, they will rush to the extreme martial arts hall, and the tower near the water will get the moon first, and the nearby forces will arrive first, and the Wang family will be among them.

"Line up on the left to buy the white liquid jade worm soft core, and line up on the right for the entrance test!"

In front of the gate of the extreme martial arts hall, Zhang Hong and a few little girls were shouting hard.

After the opening ceremony, Zhang Lie told Zhang Hong that there might be a more tiring time.

Originally rose to the red and thought that it was just helping the disciples of the martial arts hall.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the museum is still hiding such a big business, and all the people who came to buy the white liquid jade worm soft core went outside the martial arts hall.

Not to mention the nearby Ning Cheng, there are many people from the direction of Kyoto, and even from the direction of Mengcheng, but they all spread to Ningcheng from far away.

There is no way, the main reason is that some guys who have succeeded in extreme evolution have exaggerated the improvement after the extreme breakthrough to the gods.

As a result, those big families naturally couldn't sit still.

The limit gene can be regarded as a new starting point. How can they be arrogant and tolerate the starting point of the younger generation of other families is higher than their own.

In this way, it is imperative to master the limit genes.

Of course, on the other hand, once the breakthrough is successful, the strength of the family will skyrocket in the future.

This temptation is not too big, otherwise families like the Wang family and the Qin family will never appear here.


A gust of wind suddenly blew, and the Li family suspension car suddenly appeared outside the extreme martial arts hall, which stunned everyone in the long queue.

This Nima, both sons were slaughtered by Zhang Lie, and he even came to buy the kernel, this…

To be honest, in the long queue, most of them were stunned…

However, it was only for a moment, and everyone immediately returned to their senses. At the same time, there were only two thoughts left in their hearts.

First, don't provoke Zhang Lie, Li, Qin, and Wang's three families are lessons from the past.

Second, to keep up with Zhang Lie's ultimate breakthrough footwork, you must buy the white liquid jade worm core!

When everyone's mood was in a hurry, the Li family, who looked unnatural, walked to the end of the team with their heads lowered.

Some people in the crowd whispered and even pointed at the guy from the Li family.

This made the Li family's face look as ugly as a chameleon, but he didn't dare to reply a word.

There is a huge sign hanging at the front of the team, with a few simple and rude characters on it;

[Cut in line! noisy! Disqualified from purchase! ]

To be honest, if there was a choice, even if the Li family were killed, they would not come here to buy the soft core of Baiye Jadeworm.

But the problem is, they can't do anything about it. The limit breakthrough is already a big trend. If you don't want to be distanced by other families, you must let the younger generation have this kind of resources.

Even if there is a blood feud between Li Mo and Zhang Lie, they must come, and they must endure this sigh, not for himself, not only for Qin Xiao!

He is the head of the family. At this time, he must consider the future of the family!