Chapter 148 Preparations before the war

On the outskirts of Ningcheng, in a dimly lit room in a dilapidated hotel, the thunderbolt shone with its source power and continued to swallow.

As the light flickered, Qin Xiao's pale complexion gradually eased, and the aura on his body gradually recovered from the chaos.

When the light was all restrained, Qin Xiao suddenly opened those incomparably sharp eyes.

"It's done, breaking through and re-establishing, finally breaking through the basic limit gene! The basic gene has become 110!"

"It turns out, it turns out that the increase of these 10 points of ordinary genes is far more than the normal 10 points, and even bigger than the 10 points of mutation!"

"No wonder that guy Zhang Lie is so strong, no wonder that guy has been killing white liquid jade worms before, hateful, so hateful!"

Once the breakthrough, Qin Xiao's mouth was slightly overjoyed, but after that, he shouted at the sky with a twisted face.

Qin Chongming, who was beside him, could also clearly perceive the changes in Qin Xiao's body. After breaking through the basic limit genes, Qin Xiao's breath was stronger than before, his face returned to blood, and he looked more energetic.

Qin Xiao clenched his fists tightly, and after re-establishing his achievements, he finally learned why Zhang Lie was so perverted.

As everyone knows, even if the basic genes break through the limit, he is still not worth mentioning in front of Zhang Lie at this moment.

Because now Zhang Lie not only breaks the limit of ordinary genes, but also breaks the limit of mutant genes, that is the fundamental reason for being able to cross the border.

Feeling the change in himself, after experiencing a moment of excitement, Qin Xiao calmed down, and sighed helplessly: "Dad, the title battle in the void, the city battle has entered the registration stage, and it will enter the country within half a month. Competition."

"My basic strength has really increased now, but all the powerful martial arts techniques I used before are gone. Although these are considered rebuilding, it still takes a lot of time!"

"In the current state, I'm afraid I can't even handle the national hegemony battle!"

In order to lay a solid foundation, Qin Xiao chose to break through the basic limit genes.

But this news came too late, and now he can't return to his previous peak state, talking about fighting the void, talking about revenge.

"It's easy to handle. If you're not ready for these, why would I let you choose to break through your limit genes immediately?"

Qin Chongming smiled when he heard the words.

"Dad, what can you do?" Qin Xiao was overjoyed when he heard this.

"The way, of course, is to let you get a powerful inheritance, and then equip you with a super soul jade that fits, not to mention let you kill Zhang Lie in the Void title battle!"

"At least, you will definitely be at the top of the national hegemony competition and get rare rewards from the Huaxia treasury!"

For Qing Xiao, Qin Chongming naturally cared a lot. After all, he is his precious son, and he is talented in everything, so he must be nurtured carefully.

"What about Zhang Lie? Should we just forget about it?"

"Forget it? How is that possible! If it wasn't for this kid, how could our father and son be in such a situation!"

"It's just that you guys are not in the same realm for the time being. After the National Hegemony Competition, the father will find another way to completely destroy it!"

Hearing Qin Chongming say this, Qin Xiao finally calmed down.

He had what happened today because of Zhang Lie. The Qin family paid ten times the price of others for buying the soft core of Baiye Jade Worm.

With so many hatreds, the two fathers and sons are not broad-minded people, so naturally they will not be revealed.

It's just that Zhang Lie is full of energy at this time, they are already at a disadvantage, and there is no absolute certainty that they will not shoot easily.

Qin Xiao clenched the fist in his hand, and the knuckles turned white due to the force.

"You keep this thing by your side, and you can use it in the Void title battle if you have to."

Qin Chongming handed Qin Xiao a box, and before Qin Xiao took it, he felt an incomparably terrifying source of energy from the box.

"This is…"

"Be quiet…you can repair the chain properly during this time, I won't come here again for the time being."

Qin Chongming finally patted Qin Xiao on the shoulder, and after seeing that he put the thing away, he finally disappeared from the window silently.

Seeing Qin Chongming's disappearing back, Qin Xiao secretly took a deep breath.

Then the box was opened, and a dazzling and coquettish purple thunder suddenly spewed out, infecting the room into a generally coquettish purple.

It also caused Qin Xiao's face to be infected with a grin.



The black iron base comes and goes in an endless stream.

With the coming of the Void title battle, coupled with the matter of the soft core of the white liquid jade worm, many people did not hesitate to travel long distances to break through many obstacles to come here.

Turn this place into a lively place where you can't see a large base.

The Void title battle is approaching, and most of the genetic warriors are wandering outside the training ground and the black iron base.

There are also many people who are frantically hunting super gene beasts to obtain gene points and soul jade to improve their combat power.

Everyone is preparing for the title battle, and Zhang Lie's extreme team is also among them.

For Zhang Lie, his most recent main tasks are the fields of fish and dragon nine changes and eclipse of the moon.

But Fang Yi, Sun Mengmeng and others, from the perspective of the same genetic value and cultivation technique, are indeed qualified to fight the title battle in the void.

But if you want to get a good name, or even enter the final Void final battle, the gap in Soul Jade is still a bit big!

Therefore, in order to increase the strength of everyone faster, what everyone has to do is to purposefully hunt and kill the super gene beasts, so as to obtain the super soul jade to improve their strength.

As for their first battlefield, it was naturally the deserted desert.

Because there is the entire Void Realm, with the most super gene beasts, and the place with the highest shipment rate of soul jade.

"During this half month of urban warfare, all of you should go to the desert of annihilation to hunt for soul jade!"

In the Black Iron Tavern, Zhang Lie looked at everyone and said solemnly.


Everyone in the extreme team shouted, and then left the hotel without any ink.

As for Zhang Lie, he didn't follow him any more. Now the personal combat power of the extreme squad is almost the same as that of the young masters of the family such as Chu Feng and Yun Bing, which is enough to deal with most of the situations in the void world.

After everyone in the extreme team left, Zhang Lie immediately sat cross-legged and began to prepare for the battle.

Today, his conventional genes in the Void Realm have reached full value, and his martial arts techniques are already in an advanced state.

The only way to break through is "Fish and Dragon Nine Changes" and the Eclipse Realm!

The mind sank, the source power was running, the black light was huffing and puffing, and a mist of words spread over his body.

Under the black fog, the light curtain slowly emerged, like ripples on the lake, gently swaying, and the familiar full moon appeared above Zhang Lie's head again.

"Magic Snake Transformation!"

"Eclipse Moon Field!"

With a low voice, the Demon Snake Transformation was activated, and a black-red Demon Snake floated under the full moon, causing the light of the full moon to instantly turn into scarlet blood.