Chapter 151 Fighting Long Shao


"Haha, ants all over the place dare to fight against this young master!"

"Everything on your body will belong to me, and your skin is good, I can give you a chance to serve this young master well!"

Long Shao's face was twisted again, and the obscene light in his eyes looked back and forth on Sun Mengmeng without any concealment.

"Just you?"

Fang Yi let out a loud shout, the spear in his hand shook, and a thunderbolt shot into his chest.

He knew very well that the only thing the other party could pose a threat to them was Young Master Long. As long as he was taken down quickly, the battle would be over completely.


Long Shao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the dragon's claws appeared again. The white dragon's shadow and Lei Mang collided, but they canceled each other out, and no one could do anything to get the water.

Fengleiwu was blessed on the black spear, and electric snakes flowed out from Fang Yi's eyebrows, making his face even more severe.


With a loud bang, the spear stabbed straight out.


The dragon roared continuously, and the white dragon claws brought a pale streamer light and collided with the long spear. In an instant, the electric light and flint, the source power fluctuations erupted.

Lightning flashes and thunders, white dragons dance, and sandstorms roar.

This kind of power made Fang Yi quickly take a few steps back, and that Long Shao was also shocked, his steps moved erratically, avoiding Fang Yi's attack range.

That's right! is dodging!

"What, Long Shao avoided his edge!"

Before their voices fell, Fang Yi's pupils flickered, and lightning flashed and thundered all over his body. The pupils were set off by the electric light like splendid halites.

The long spear stabbed straight out, and the thunder roared in an instant, and the long spear carried the thunder and went straight to Long Shao.

The intense white light was like a thundercloud in the depths of the sky, and Long Shao's whole body was trembling, and at this moment he felt fear in the depths of his soul.

"Why is this power so terrifying!"

After a brief absence, he frowned, and those fierce eyes appeared again.

"Dragon Roar Nine Heavens!"

He opened his mouth and shouted angrily, his long hair seemed to flutter without wind, the white light around him continued, and a giant dragon phantom gradually appeared.

Its five claws turned into stars like jade against the background of white light.

"Quick, support Young Master Long!"

The people in the gene team behind Long Shao hurriedly shouted, and the source power started to run.


However, before they could launch the offensive, an inexplicable sound of water rang out, and Yang Ze's face was gloomy and he was waving the long sword in his hand.

Isn't his dancing posture exactly that monstrous swordsmanship?

The sound of the water continued, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and went straight to the people of the gene team.

"Hmph, what's the point of using this technique in the desert?"

The deputy team of Shenxing sneered. After the source power was exhausted to the extreme, he swiped a straight punch towards Yang Ze. The extremely rich soil attribute source power suddenly weakened Yang Ze's power.

However, Yang Ze did not panic, instead the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a rather smug smile.

"You are finished."

His lips moved, and it wasn't hard to see what he was saying.

The deputy team of Shenxing was suddenly shocked, and saw that Yang Ze's swordsmanship attack went straight to that Long Shao.

The mines blended with each other, making the lightning of Fang Yi's offensive even more dazzling.

The aura of destruction went straight to Long Shao.

"You are so useless!"

Long Shao snorted angrily without turning his head back, looking at the terrifying Lei Gang in front of him, his face was extremely gloomy.


The white dragon phantom gradually condensed into reality.

His eyes turned cold, and his body spun up in place.

The white dragon phantom behind him also tossed along with his movements, and it had a tendency to turn the sky upside down.

The deputy team of Shenxing was roared by him but did not refute it. Instead, he broke out his whole body and continued to attack Yang Ze.

Even if Long Shao is affected by the joint attack of Yang Ze and Fang Yi's attributes, he can at least let the extreme team lose one first.

But he overlooked some things, the extreme team is not only Yang Ze and Fang Yi.

The scorching fire wave rushed towards the face, and the air inhaled in the nasal cavity was not only mixed with the heat wave at any time, which made the deputy team of Shenxing have the illusion that it was difficult to breathe.

Sun Mengmeng's long hair was fluttering in the place where the heat wave radiated, and the arrow in her hand was wrapped in a thick purple flame.

The intense heat made the air twist a little.


When the arrow is launched, there is no restraint factor between the zodiac signs, but because the sub-team's source zodiac signs complement each other in the desert environment, they can explode more powerful power.

However, Sun Mengmeng was a force-charged blow, an arrow burning with purple and coquettish flames, and came with a heat wave.


The strong wind continued, the arrows continued to enlarge in the eyes of the genetic team captain, and the high temperature surrounded him, making him feel as if he was in magma.

The time had come, and death seemed to beckoning to him.

However, as the deputy team, his strength is naturally not weak. Just when the arrow was about to reach his body, he shouted and his body responded.

But before he could dodge, his ankle was tight, and a green vine that sprang out from time to time firmly held him.

In an instant, countless green vines full of spikes wrapped around his ankle, and the spikes pierced into his body, causing his right leg to lose consciousness in an instant.


He shouted loudly, but it was too late.

Although the vines are thin, they are full of tenacity. An emerald green source force came from the vines, and Zhou Ying was finally found at the source force terminal.

"Don't forget, we are a genetic team." The corners of Zhou Ying's mouth raised slightly.

"No…Impossible, surrounded by deserts, how can you let the wood attribute exercise show such strength?"

The deputy team of Shenxing exclaimed in disbelief.

But as his eyes slowly moved down, he found that the desert had turned into moist soil, and he suddenly woke up.

When Yang Zefu and Fang Yi attacked, the water element will naturally leave some water elements in the desert, which not only increases the power of Fang Yilei's exercises, but also gives Zhou Ying an environment suitable for using the exercises. .

Everything was completed between lightning and flint, making this deputy team of Shenxing stunned, and he couldn't believe it in his heart, but the facts were already in front of him.

At the same time, Fang Yi and Long Shao's attacks completely collided.


The white mad dragon circled and roared, and Long Shao could no longer be seen at all.

Fang Yi, who was holding the black spear, had a dignified face, like a god of thunder. Every time he swung the black spear, the wind and thunder slammed into the white dragon.

"Great Light Fist!"

Li Feng, who had been looking for opportunities to support in the melee, finally found an opportunity at this time.

With one punch, the world lost its color, and there was only a bright white light left on the battlefield. There was no superposition of zodiac signs, and there was no hidden secrets. It was just a punch full of sincerity.


The white dragon screamed, this big light fist was the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and the endurance that originally belonged to the state of hard support had reached its limit.

The white dragon phantom was instantly shattered, and countless thunderbolts swept away, hitting Long Shao fiercely.

In the fierce battle, everyone in the Shenxing team was stunned, but Sun Mengmeng shot an arrow with the dark sun method.


Two screams burst out almost at the same time.

The deputy leader of the Shenxing Squad, although he finally broke free of the vines, he was still seriously injured by the arrow.

As for Long Shao, his snow-white armor was already charred black, and the air was filled with a stench of cooked charred that made people nauseous.

As for the deputy team of Shenxing, he immediately returned to his team in a hurry. He quietly clutched his right chest. Although he escaped the fatal blow, the arrow whose source power was greatly reduced finally passed through his right chest.

At this time, the wound on his right chest was charred black, and extremely thick blood was flowing, which was the burn potential of the flames of the dead sun.

The players around him were all injured, and three or four of them were already short of arms and legs.

"This… how could this be!" The voice of the deputy team of Shen Lin was a little trembling.

From the moment of entering the deserted desert, the whole hunting process went very smoothly with the help of Long Shao, but there was a hard stubble here.

Long Shao was seriously injured, and his breath was weak, and he was completely different from when he came.

His eyes were round and round, staring at Fang Yi and Yang Ze, bloodshot in his eyes, full of hatred and bloodthirsty.

"You actually hurt me!" Long Shao let out a low roar.

He is a member of the Long family, and he is also a strong person in the void world. He did not expect to be so embarrassed now.

Sun Mengmeng and the others did not have the slightest turbulence in their expressions, and they were still in a state of battle.

After all, although this battle has been finalized, it has not yet been completely resolved.

"Hurt you? I can still kill you!"

Just as Long Shao was struggling to stand up, an icy low voice suddenly sounded.

Long Shao's heart suddenly tightened, and a sense of crisis of death enveloped him.

Death seemed to be waving to him, and he felt the depths of the desert, as if a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed his ankle, pulling him down little by little.

He had never had such a strong sense of omen of death. Who was it?

However, before he could turn around, a wave of source power suddenly appeared behind him.

Ripples continued all around, and only a faint purple light flashed past, Long Shao suddenly felt a chill in his chest, and his face changed greatly.

He looked down, only to realize that on his chest, there was already more than a purple dagger with a cold glow.


His throat rolled, blood spit out from his mouth, and his legs went soft and he knelt down.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally saw the person coming, with thick slanted and sharp eyebrows, slender black eyes with sharp black eyes, and thick lips that were full and pursed, but the coldness made him inexplicably feel a little familiar.

"Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie!? Are you Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie?"

As soon as Long Shao said these words, his entire body was already shaking like chaff.

To tell the truth, legend is one thing, and seeing it with your own eyes is another.

At this moment, Zhang Lie is like a mountain, pressing on Long Shao and even all the members of the Shenxing team.


too strong!

Strong and suffocating!

It was just the slightest fluctuation of the source power, which had already suppressed them so much that they could not move at all!

Does this guy really belong to the Void Realm?