chapter 158 Void Invincible


The two attacked, but Zhang Lie stood still.

In such a situation, both Long Teng and Li Teng were overjoyed and lost their power.

Zhang Lie seemed unable to react to such a swift attack.


However, Zhang Lie spoke when the two were secretly happy. Although his voice was covered up by the whistling sound of the source, Long Teng, who had been paying attention to Zhang Lie, still read out what Zhang Lie said.

Long Yanxiang didn't seem to have any influence on Zhang Lie, her body returned to normal the moment she opened her mouth, and she responded quickly.

The source of energy was swallowed up, and the demonic snake transformation followed. A phantom of a terrifying demonic snake appeared behind Zhang Lie.

"Wow wow…!"

Countless sword energies rolled continuously like waves, and the monstrous sword, Chasing the Waves, was activated immediately, and the tip of the Purple Poison Nether Sword pointed at the cold glow and flickered.

The sword energy burst out, the big waves rolled, facing the golden wave light, the demon finger, the two collided with each other, and they were dazzling and dazzling in an instant, the wind whistled, and the earth shook.


After a loud bang, Zhang Lie's Taotian Sword was obviously superior, almost defeating Lian, Long and Li Shuangteng's offensive with a destructive force.

The two only felt a sweetness in their throats, and their bodies flew out in an instant.

In particular, Long Teng, who bore the brunt of the song, even spat out a mouthful of blood while flying upside down, obviously seriously injured.

The two shot at the same time, and the first shot was a killer move, obviously wanting to kill Zhang Lie with lightning speed.

Unfortunately, they really underestimated Zhang Lie's ability and overestimated his own strength.

"Impossible, how…how…"

Long Teng struggled to stand up, and a touch of scarlet overflowed from the corner of his mouth again.

His expression was solemn, and he obviously did not expect that Zhang Lie would be immune to the effect of Long Yanxiang's ban.

"Looks like you're surprised?"

"Long Yanxiang, the unique secret medicine of the Long family, the effect is really good, but it is not without an antidote!"

Zhang Lie was still full of jokes, as if he had expected the other party to make this move.

As for the Long and Li families, they were dumbfounded.

Especially on the Long family side, the reason why they dared to design Zhang Lie mainly relies on this Long Yanxiang.

Because Long Yanxiang can temporarily suppress the biological source within a certain range.

Originally, according to the idea of the Long family, as long as Zhang Lie temporarily loses his power, it means that he is dead.

But at the moment, all the signs are telling them the fact that the guy in front of him was not controlled by Long Yanxiang at all.

This also means that their biggest reliance is meaningless to Zhang Lie.

In this way, it is them who are in crisis.

Because Long Teng knew very well in his heart that ten of him would not be enough for the opponent if he just fought hard.

The white source power is running, and there is a faint sound of dragon roar. Long Teng knows that he has only one task next, and that is to do his best to escape.

"Fuck, Long Teng is going to be real!"

"It's a good show, it seems that it will be a battle between dragons and tigers!"

The people outside the melons began to become eager to move.


Longteng let out a low roar, and the elites under his command rushed out.

Looking at the elite of the Dragon family, Zhang Lie's eyes were filled with disdain, as if he was watching a group of clowns.

At the same time, Li Teng, who had just stood up, also gave an order, ordering the elites under his command to rush out violently.

However, while ordering the subordinates to charge, the two young masters began to retreat involuntarily.

"Li Teng, hurry up! It's your Li family!"

After taking a few steps back, Long Teng licked his chapped lips and asked eagerly.

"Ultimate move! Of course there is! But I need some time!"

The words fell, and Li Tengsan jumped in two vertical jumps, and flew directly to the rear of the team. At some point in his hand, there was a bone spear that was as white as jade.

As soon as this spear came out, Long Teng's whole person was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect the Li family's cards to be such a fierce soldier.

"My dear, Soul Eater!"

Long Teng couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes flashed for a moment, and then he was immediately replaced by a fierce look.

Hundreds of thousands of elites rushed up, but Zhang Lie was fine himself, and the main thing was to be careful about his team members.

After all, at the moment, they are the elites of Long and Li, and the number is still so huge.

However, he just made a move here, and his subordinate Sun Mengmeng and others spoke immediately.

"Captain, leave us alone, we can handle these guys!"

"That's right, capture the thief first, capture the king first, Captain, take down those two young masters first!"

"Hold on, I'll come when I go!"

Hearing everyone's words, Zhang Lie smiled indifferently, his footsteps that had moved backwards paused, and then he rushed forward without any hesitation.

"Haha, at this point, that Zhang Lie really thinks he is invincible?"

"To be honest, this is really not ordinary arrogance. The two elites together are probably over a thousand!"

Seeing that Zhang Lie was so arrogant, some people who were ready to make a move, also began to mix into the elites of the two families, ready to wait for an opportunity to make a move.

In an instant, the scene turned into a mess. There were thousands of people from various forces, and many of them were well-known genetic warriors.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you step in and die!"

"Monster Sword Styx!"

With a low drink, the turbulent black Styx swept out in an instant.

The black violent sword aura bloomed, and everything the Stygian passed by was vanished into nothingness.

"No, stop him for me, hurry! hurry! hurry!"

At the outermost part of the large group, Li Teng, who was holding a bone spear in his hand, suddenly screamed three times in shock.

Hearing the words, the bodyguards under his command immediately set up an iron barrel formation in front of him, each inspiring the strongest offensive.

At the same time, Long Teng, who was about to flee, also seemed to choose to temporarily assist Li Teng because of the bone spear in his hand.

So when Styx swept Li Teng, Long Teng also brought his personal bodyguard to the top.


A huge roar exploded, and various sources of energy erupted, setting the entire battlefield colorful.

However, in this colorful world, a black Styx has always broken through all the obstacles and hit the iron barrels of Long and Li Shuangteng with unparalleled strength.

It is a pity that, after all, it has been weakened by the impact of all parties, and Styx's last remaining momentum has not been able to break the opponent's iron barrel formation.

At the same time, the bone spear in Li Teng's hand began to shine with white light.

Under this white light, a strange black mist began to appear on all the corpses, as if the soul was out of the body.

As early as the last century, human beings have determined the existence of the soul, and even special techniques and treasures that use the power of the soul have appeared.

The Soul Eater Spear in Li Teng's hand was a secret weapon specializing in the soul.

Soul-devouring spear, the spine of the super soul-devouring beast is made of more than ten kinds of S-grade metals. It is known as the soul-devouring beast.

Of course, the cost of such a secret weapon is so high that it is rare in the world, and the average family cannot afford it.

Even if it is the Li family, to build one in a short period of time, it must pay a great price.

It seems that the death of Li Hong, Li Jin, and Li Xin has made the Li family desperate, and it's time to find out.

At this moment, Zhang Lie took a deep breath, and the source of power began to operate violently.

The Soul Eater Spear is indeed difficult to deal with, but it can only be infinitely powerful after it has accumulated a soul.

It seems that a quick decision must be made, otherwise he can only suffer.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lie suddenly became serious, and it seemed that they had to see the eclipse realm.


The Aoki Wolf Soul Jade was activated, and with a roar, Zhang Lie turned into a cyan werewolf. At the same time, the source power of the dark attribute was running wildly, and the phantom of the devil snake reappeared.

The surrounding light gradually dimmed, and the light of the demonic snake's source power continued to flicker, and then a light curtain appeared inexplicably around it, shrouding everyone in it.

The ripples continued, the light curtain was dazzling, and the light in the center of the light curtain was very dazzling, and the full moon was slowly appearing.

"No, Eclipse Moon Domain?" Long Teng exclaimed, and then he didn't stay any longer, and directly smeared oil on the soles of his feet.

The whole body exploded, and immediately began to retreat.


Unfortunately, the full moon had already appeared at this time, and a terrifying pressure directly fell on Long Teng and others, and everyone suddenly felt their whole body sink, as if a mountain was firmly clasped on them.


In the huge humming sound, a strange force was rapidly withdrawing the source power from their bodies.

"Oops, this eclipse technique is so overbearing!"

Li Teng also exclaimed as he felt that his source power was rapidly fading away, and the most important thing was that the speed of gathering the souls of the Soul Eater Spear in his hand was also greatly affected.

"Quick fight, sooner or later in this field, he will be consumed to death!"

Li Teng's cronies immediately came up with a solution. After all, the source of energy and pressure in the Eclipse Realm was gradually increasing. If they fought a protracted battle with the opponent in this realm, they would definitely die.

Li Teng didn't say much. He used almost all his source power and started to fire the Soul Eater Spear at a very high speed. Obviously, he wanted to make a final decision and kill Zhang Lie directly.

Bloodthirsty Ant Soul Jade Open!

However, Zhang Lie didn't give the slightest chance, he directly turned on the super bloodthirsty soul jade, his whole body was rendered scarlet, and the purple poison ghost sword in his hand flickered with red light.

The full moon in the center of the eclipse field was stained with a touch of scarlet, and the originally extremely terrifying pressure suddenly increased several times.

All the people present, except Zhang Lie, were all kneeling on the ground, looking like a king.

At the same time, the ghost sword in his hand was drawn, and three red mad dragons instantly surrounded it.

"Monster Dragon Bite!"


The sound of energy pouring out like a dragon roar resounded through the audience, pouring down like a mighty heaven.

Before the mad dragon arrived, Li Teng, Long Teng and the others, who were directly pressed to the ground, had already noticed that their source power was rapidly passing away.

At this moment, there is no other way than to do everything possible.

"Kill!" In the crisis of life and death, Long Teng, who could not escape, suddenly shouted.

And with his loud shout, the Dragon Family Crazy Dragon Art was operated to the extreme, and a white dragon phantom coiled up, turning his whole person into a silver dragon.

His eyes were instantly cold, and the silver dragon roared and burst into bright silver light, blazing out at the red mad dragon.

Long Teng is still like this, and Li Teng naturally does not dare to neglect.

Holding the Soul Eater Spear in both hands, he stood up with all his strength, and even blood overflowed from his mouth and nose due to the huge pressure on his internal organs.

He knew very well that if the Soul Eater Spear in his hand could not end Zhang Lie, then there was only one way for them to perish.

"call out…!"

With a soft sound, a gleaming white light flashed, and Long Teng finally threw the Soul Eater Spear in his hand successfully.

However, due to Zhang Lie's pressing step by step, the soul-gathering spear did not reach the maximum, and its power was greatly reduced.

As for the melons in the distance, they have already lost their teeth.

No way, mainly because Zhang Lie's aura was too scary.

Everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a monster.

At the same time, the two elites who were suffering from pain in the eclipse field also broke out at this moment.



Many bursts remembered one after another that their only remaining source power was all in operation at this moment, and there was only one purpose, that is, to break Zhang Lie's field and escape!

To be honest, after really facing Zhang Lie, who was at full strength, they didn't think they had a chance to kill each other.

No chance at all.

In his eyes, Zhang Lie at this moment should be an invincible existence in the entire Void Realm.




The various sources of light collided, and a loud and noisy sound erupted.

A blood-colored mad dragon full of endless evil spirits pierced through the multi-colored source power offensive almost instantly, making the surrounding area instantly dyed with a layer of scarlet color.


In the sound of the huge impact, countless figures flew out of the blood-colored eclipse moon field like cannonballs.

Of course, these guys who flew out like cannonballs all lay like dead dogs after they landed, and they seemed to have lost the ability to even move.

This includes Long Teng, Li Teng, and most of the strong men under their command.

Soon the light dissipated, and there was a sound of wind in everyone's ears.

The eclipse moon field completely dissipated, and Zhang Lie, who was holding the Soul Eater Spear like a king, appeared in front of everyone again.

"In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are just bubbles!"

"The Soul Eater is not bad, I accept it!"

The huge blood-colored sword energy lingered and disappeared, which further reflected Zhang Lie's strength and stalwart.

Seeing this, Li Teng, who had just recovered a little, turned his head and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

His face was extremely pale, as if he was going to ride a crane to the west in the next second, and he was looking at Zhang Lie who was reborn high in horror.

The Soul Eater Spear was his strongest blow, and it was also made by the Li family with a lot of money. There were several attacks that could go beyond the boundaries of the Void Realm.

But what he didn't expect was that such a blow that transcended the boundaries of the Void Realm would be easily caught by the opponent.

He obviously couldn't accept such a result.

Unfortunately, the fact is that, whether he accepts it or not, the result will not change.

For the distant melons, everything in front of them is obviously shocking.

Countless powerful genetic warriors joined forces, but they failed to hurt Zhang Lie in the slightest, but were defeated by him with one move.

Of the dead and wounded, only a hundred people survived.

If they had doubts about Zhang Lie's strength before, now they are 1000% convinced of Zhang Lie.

No way, everything in front of me is too shocking!

They couldn't help but wonder, does Zhang Lie still have an opponent in the Void Realm?

The smoke cleared, and Zhang Lie, who had regained his human form, walked out slowly.

Behind him, the adoring Extreme Squad followed closely.


Seeing Zhang Lie and others approaching, Long Teng struggled to get up, but he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood when he raised his head.

Li Teng's face was even more ashen, and he had obviously accepted his fate.

At this moment, his own life and death are irrelevant. The key is how will the Li family face such a terrifying Zhang Lie?

He could no longer imagine what the Li family was going to face?

"Zhang Lie!"

Just as Zhang Lie walked in front of the seriously injured Long Teng, a hurried call suddenly sounded in the distance, but it was Chu Feng and Yun Bing who led their respective teams, Shan Shan, to arrive late.

When they saw the scene in front of them, their expressions changed drastically.

Long Teng and Li Teng fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner, and the corpses of the two elites were everywhere.

Obviously, the Long and Li families were defeated, completely defeated!

To be honest, they had seen Zhang Lie's strength, but they didn't expect this battle to end so quickly.

The scene in front of them had a huge impact on them.

After all, the Li family does not say that the strength of the Long family is definitely not weaker than them.

Moreover, this was not an encounter, but a well-prepared ambush.

But even so, the two ultimately failed miserably with this attitude.

This means that in the Void Realm, if the Yun and Chu families confront Zhang Lie, the fate of Long Teng and Li Teng in front of them will be a lesson for them.

At this moment, they were suddenly very fortunate that they had established diplomatic relations with Zhang Lie a long time ago.

At the same time, there is some fear…

If the family had to stand on the opposite side of Zhang Lie when the museum opened, then…