
Morning came without surprise and Alexander was greeted by his dad as usual. Breakfast was set at the dining room and Mark was out without much delay.

He was quicker than usual for the day because of the numerous filming variations he had conceived overnight.

Alexander could see the eyebags that his father had accumulated and could only hope that his suggestion would lead them to be able to sleep more.

He hadn't planned to always egg to let them overthink and over plan for almost every night after all.

They were just wired to be as work-centric as they are. He even feared for when he would grow up and be as busy and caught up with work as them in the future.

It seemed to run in their family, so he had to make preparations, which is why he cherished the peaceful and blissful slumbers that he has.

Anyways, with his breakfast inside his stomach, the plates piled neatly at the table, and hygiene matters settled, the boy set out for the study slash library for his agenda.

This project for the day is meant to solve the true problem that his father suffers from.

A well-written and sound script!

It is true that Mark was impressive with visuals and fantasy effects, however, his stories were too lackluster and unappealing to the masses.

They were either bland, repetitive, or totally don't make sense at all. His movies were akin to complete picture books with minimal or no written content at all.

Pre-vision Alexander sat through his father's works and found not many flaws with them, maybe because of the idol effect.

Post-vision Alexander was an enlightened boy and could now give harsh criticisms to the already mediocre movies.

He was no professional critic but everyone was pretty much a critic in the 21st century, so he had qualifications.

Other Joe was an example of a five stars for effort reviewer. Himself, however, chose differently and want to go with critical with constructive reasoning.

For that, his father's entire film catalog despite not having seen all of them would all be within 2 out of 5!

Alexander found his seat with all of his trusty, unmarked paper. He tilted his head side to side for an imagined bone unstiffening. "So, for the script! Where should I start?"

Even though, he read up on the subject from the many books in this room, starting things without much guidance would be hard.

He needed a premise, the plot, the characters, the dialogue, and so much more to consider.

Being a newcomer in this writing industry would be a matter of self-discovery, inspiration, and luck.

Thankfully, Alexander had ways to bypass that long and arduous process. He had the advantage of knowing the future and he would be a fool not to use it.

He had no clinically-proven special type of super memory but he had an omniscient recollection of every movie and show that Other Joe had watched or rewatched.

Even Other Joe would not bother remembering everything in his past and even if he did, the poor bloke would still forget them.

As pointed out already, Alexander was on the advantageous end with regard to this logic-defying connection of theirs.

Like any other millennial or 21st-century human, Other Joe watched the most successful and popular!

They were successful for a reason and Alexander could decrypt those movies into finished scripts.

He could write and produce all nine Star Wars films first and claim them as his own. George Lucas and Lucasfilm could only weep on the side as he would steal the glorious moneymaker that should have been theirs.

The worst thing is that they wouldn't even know that it is theirs, that is unless Lucas has already conceptualized it now at this time of year.

He could also extend this shameless leeching and plagiaristic method by taking all of the major studios' classic moneymakers and taking them as his own.

Lion King, Titanic, Avatar, Avengers, Ghost, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Toy Story, Shrek, Harry Potter, and so much more! He could compile them all at the screenwriter's guild and become undisputed in Hollywood.

That is, of course, if he has film adaptation rights to those that originate from books and everything would be golden and smooth sailing.

It would be a mayhem of butterfly effect if that happens and he was curious to find out how the aforementioned major studios would react.

All that is well and good but Alexander has other means that don't make him out to be a shameless plagiarist. "I don't want to be swimming in guilt for all my life! I want peace of mind and the gritty struggle that comes with living life!"

His solution was simple and that was to paraphrase or deviate from those successful film templates as a source of inspiration.

Essentially, Alexander wants to follow the Asylum production company's business model but with more finesse. It was making mockbusters but the original makers wouldn't even know it because it would be made earlier than the supposed originals.

By that point, maybe the future films that he derived it from would become copycats and mockbusters.

"This way my guilt would be a lot less than what it should be!" Alexander muttered with his cute expression but the aura around him was capitalism all the way.

Even though he started out cute and innocent before his visions, maturity really changed him. Thus, he became oriented to a certain goal like any other normal adult would.

If a survey was done targeting adults and what their dreams are, the major answer would be to make money and more money.

The saying that money makes the world go round has credits after all. Those who say otherwise are fools or poor people with not much hope.

The Creed blood in his little body may also have something to do with this skewed money-raking personality.

"Of course, I shouldn't forget to have fun while doing it!" Alexander humorously added as he hummingly wrote away on his papers.

He should have started with the script already but thinking of the exciting future distracted him on occasions such as this.

If Helena saw him blurting conversations to nobody and at random intervals, who knows how and when his babysitter would spread to the neighborhood of his crazy side?