Walker Visit

As filming was undergone and whilst Alexander himself was still on set, an interesting turn of events got his attention.

Nearing September, only a few scenes were left and coincidentally or strategically, the would-be Majors, Majors, and little Majors came barging into the production process at opportune times.

Amongst the notable ones is Esmond Cardon Walker.

Truthfully, Other Joe has no interest in the relatively unappealing topics of the 1970s, so Alexander himself had no idea that this well-hairdoed man was the top executive of the growing Disney.

"Am I being a bother to you, Director Creed?" The Disney executive greeted with practiced civility.

"Uhm... Mr. Walker, is that you? What brings you here?!" Mark was on his guard as this meeting was really unannounced. "So far off from your fancy office and in the middle of my work, might I add!"

"I'm sorry for coming uninvited but I made haste before the others could come before me!" The man was unperturbed as an executive should be. Alexander, not far from them, was flipping scripts while having his ears open.

"There are others?" Mark asked with a heavy tone as these bigshot meetings aren't really his cup of tea. Ever since he was deemed a failure by the film industry, his relations with any top-brass film moguls weren't even anywhere close to proximity.

"Yes, well! With your movie dominating what they consider as their cake, it would be weird not getting these sorts of things from now on." Esmond's words were not far from Alexander's expectations. It seemed that this unappreciated visit is not the only one to come from now on.

"I don't know what their objectives are but I just came to facilitate relations between our companies." He may just be hiding his true colors or maybe not but this Card Walker did have his way with socializing.

"It was really blind of us to not recognize your talents quite earlier, Director Creed! If we would have known about your capabilities, we would have let you join our roster." The old man smiled as he said so. "Although this is mighty shameless of us but we did have cooperations with the theatrical showing of most of your movies, so we will shamelessly capitalize our little and vain comradeship on that. Haha! Hope you don't mind?!"

"Okay... I guess..."

"It is too bad for us that you have a far more superior medium of distribution than what we could offer you. I haven't congratulated you on that, by the way. It is not every day that you get to witness a movie company with global premier capabilities even without the unnecessary screening.."

"I have my father's efforts to thank for that. It took a lot of convincing for such an unprecedented thing to happen." Mark threw that little detail out there as these sorts of scenarios were taken into account by the old devil and his little devil.

"I am also quite looking forward to meeting the Creed senior. His methods are too exquisite that every other film company is finding it hard to replicate his success. Even our recent Apple Dumpling Gang weren't able to crack the nations with a severe distaste for America." Esmond's words were praise but the implicit tone of wanting to know how it was done is subtly present.

Unfortunately for him, knowing and replicating would be quite the task.

It would take a lot of money, which their companies have but their established brands are the very thing that is stopping them.

From what Alexander and Mark know, Old Sullivan lobbied that Kid Psychic is an indie film to the theaters, and given that Cosmic is not a household name, the uncoordinated countries and cinema companies did not know any better.

Even the strict China with censorship was fooled by Sullivan.

It was a perfect trickery that the majors would find hard to do. It may be easy in North America but other countries would jack-up prices and put a stopper to the films of studios that have suppressed their own film power.

With the cunning Creed's one move, global premieres would become much easier in the future. Theaters would come to know that they would make money with a Cosmic film and Alexander's scripts would supplement that idea in their minds.

Meanwhile, overseas theater companies with their bias and grievance towards the longstanding Majors would make it harder for them to get a film to globally premiere.

Even if they were able to get a global showing, they had better make sure that the film would rouse the monetary interest of business-minded theater moguls.

In short, Cosmic Pictures has a crazy headstart with the high guarantees of the Kid Psychic trilogy. The distribution companies did not even need to lobby for the sequels as the cinema owners themselves are more than accommodating to screen the films.

"Speaking of Mr. Sullivan Creed, I've heard that he is taking up acting as well. Would the next few films under your company feature him?"

"Yes! He has a supporting role in the Kid Psychic movies while the set we are in now is a movie in which my father would play the main star." Mark just came out with full disclosure. This meeting is enough to tell him that they already have this information beforehand.

"Haha! This makes me feel shame. Mr. Sullivan is just a few years older than me but he is out exploring life while I sit comfortably in my office." Card Walker has agendas of his own and he outrightly blurted them out. "Forgive me for this shameless request but can I meet him?"

Alexander listening in was inwardly rolling his eyes at the shameless old man acting out that he is ashamed.

"..." Mark was really unclear on how to take these sorts of fostering relationship kind of situations. "Well, he is still busy with the final makeover but if you can wait, I guess he can meet with you."

"Oh, I see!" The old executive knew the line for his snooping, so he had to take a step back. "Never mind, then! I may not take long to get out of your way now. But, do remember Director Creed. Us from Disney are open to collaborative efforts with your Cosmic Pictures."

"You may not know this but keeping afloat from ravenous competitors is a hard job. But with two to paddle along, it may not take long for a smooth sailing trip in the broad sea." This Disney executive really had his way with weird quotes out of some fairytale movie. Without much wasting of time, the uninvited Card waved his hand to exit.

"I have to go! Do keep in mind about our possible collaborations."

With the old man out of the sight, Alexander and Mark exchanged on their own and silently sent signals to prepare for what is about to come.