Of course, Alexander's morning routine would not be done alone as the yogi Ms. Kumar would always accompany him.
"Morning, Miss Aisha!"
"Good morning, Alexander! Let us get started shall we?!"
After his tiny jogs, the yoga sessions would be the next to go.
Waking up at 4 A.M. leaves ample time for a lot of productive activities after all.
While Alexander's little jog in the premise of the house walls would take care of his endurance and cardiovascular needs, yoga was a help to improving the state of the body.
It helped that the new residence had a guest room, so the Creeds were able to give appropriate accommodations to their foreign guest. Making the Indian lady in tune and close by to the intricacies of little Alexander.
Ms. Kumar was in charge of their yoga activities whenever in America and was also pretty helpful in matters involving the big household.
The Creed creed of not being lazy at home would still be in the act but when they are busy and away for certain businesses, the young Ms. Kumar was able to play her part.
It helped that the Creeds were pretty minimalistic in their mess and footprints in the rooms of the house, so the cleaning job was just a customary sweeping of accumulated dust.
Still, it was no doubt that the old yogi masters were pretty accommodating and aiding their sponsor. Ms. Kumar's dedication to her job was a testament to that.
These won't continue for long as Ms. Kumar still has her life back in her hometown and it would be quite self-serving to force her to stay.
Everyone in the household is aware of the minimalism and simple complexities of yoga, so remembering the moves after a year of learning was inevitable.
In fact, this is the prime reason as to why Ms. Kumar is already set to head back to her hometown after a month or so.
Every day and at the same time, Alexander was taking his child-friendly version of yoga and had practically immersed himself in the basic forms. It was only in January that he started and he had already remembered faster than his father and grandfather.
He had trained himself with all the finger variations of the guitar and the synthesizer keys, so semi-mastering the semi-version of yoga was piece of cake.
Since the Creeds were more than versed in the art and they would not want to impose on the yoga masters and their disciples just because they gave the donations.
The yoga enthusiasts have pretty much disclosed all they know to the family and they were free to consult the temple for any problems they may have about the art.
It was only a matter of their self-discipline and effort to reach the century-like monster ness of those old yogis.
Old Sullivan had already fired up his enthusiasm to be an ancient muscle man, so keeping the yoga rhythm would not be much of a problem.
Jogs and yoga were means of physical improvement but they have different ways to go about it, however, the very key to achieving their benefits is repetition.
Although the basic yoga poses were awkward and too fitting for women, Alexander grit through it and made himself remember that health is money but from another perspective, which is wealth!
Fortunately, the yoga version that they have sniped had versions that are meant to cater to men. He knew the dirty-mindedness of the millennials of the future and these male yoga poses are just asking for sensual innuendos to be unmasked.
Yoga wasn't the secret gateway to unlock the Kama Sutra for no reason. Alexander was not one to shy away from extra benefits, even though he is still too young to use them.
Although Ms. Kumar was wearing her baggy Indian-based clothing, his mature mindset was imagining her perks and curviness to satisfy its vanity.
Aside from diving himself into a ton of workload and skill development, these little times of childishness are one of his ways of coping with the built-up anxiety.
As Alexander was immersing himself in these last few sessions with Ms. Kumar, he also kept thinking about what could be his next immersive obsession.
Although he was far from mastering yoga and was only remembering it, learning other practices won't burden him much.
He was a rich old man's grandson, so he has the money and resources to collect the bodily activities and martial arts of the world.
Learning it would be a hassle but it might be distracting enough to make him forget the stressfulness of movie-making.
In a way, Alexander was thinking of undergoing the rigorous training journey of Bruce Wayne but for a very different reason.
Instead of fighting crime, he would just be trying to evoke his 'Creed zone' and be cool while doing it. The extra self-defense capabilities were extremely welcome due to his actor status but the prime reason for this line of thinking is just a means of suppressing the anxiety attacks.
Yoga had already helped to benefit his mentality against the filmmaking strain. As such, Alexander hoped that the rest of the notable practices and physical arts of the world can help as well.
Of course, that would take some arrangements and he would rather enjoy the current benefits in front of him.
"Alexander, next is adho mukha svanasana! Follow my form as usual!"
Ms. Kumar was demonstrating the downward-facing dog pose directly in front of him and his mature imaginations had already flown themselves to whatever unspeakable destination it would take itself.
A sample from his thoughts would be Ms. Kumar being entirely naked on the bed while raising her butt like that and he would slowly inch on her and do the 'dog-pouncing' pose on her.
"Still too young, though!" Young Alex shruggingly mumbled and had to follow his teacher's lead while his mind was wandering.
His weekdays went on as usual.
Morning jogs and stretchings with Aisha.
Readying himself for school and undergoing the boy-girl conspiracies of his kindergarten.
Secretly mapping Cosmic Picture's trajectory while doing so.
Then, going home, practiced music until it was dinner and readied himself to sleep.
It was pretty monotonous but quite a rewarding experience.