Are You Worthy of Her?

The Assistant Director was on the verge of collapsing.

He almost fainted when he heard the first option.

Su Feifei was playing with them? Had she been playing them this whole time?

Was this something that a human would dare to agree to?

[This doesn't look good.]

[Su Feifei looks serious. It shouldn't be a small matter, right?]

[Didn't you guys see Xiao He's wound? There must be a reason behind this!]

[Exposed! I support her plans!]

[I'm waiting for a result!]

The Assistant Director's cold sweat had already flowed from his forehead to his chin, and his whole body was visibly trembling.

He didn't need to look up to know that Su Feifei was staring at him.

"It's… It's because of Director Liu! I was only following orders"

The Assistant Director gritted his teeth and made up his mind. He spat out the rest of his words, "After you fell off the cliff..."