Well Played

Everyone was dead silent!

Everyone present was so shocked that they forgot to speak.

The last scene felt like a movie, playing over and over in their minds.

The woman's heroic posture as she soared into the air. Her ponytail drew an arc in the air, and her waist turned sideways. Her movements were clean and neat, and like the wind, she directly passed through her opponent easily!

When the paint on Feng Xuege's clothes was shown, everyones' hearts shattered!

Even Su Feifei's team members had their mouths agape.

For a full 30 seconds, no one spoke. Immediately, a wave of revelry erupted.

"Holy cr*p!"

"F*ck! What the f*ck!"

"Su Feifei! You're amazing!"

Xiao He and the others all rushed over to Su Feifei. A group of people hugged Su Feifei together, and three strong men directly picked her up and threw her into the air!

Su Feifei also showed a rare bright smile.

[Oh my gosh! She won?? Su Feifei won??]