Not a Competition

Bo Silin did not speak, his eyes fixated on her.

Su Feifei paused for a moment.

'Still not talking?'

That would be a silent agreement. She took a step back, but a pair of hands suddenly appeared on her waist and pulled her in his direction.

The moment she got close, her heart skipped a beat.

Bo Silin leaned forward slightly. The distance between them closed again.

Su Feifei's breathing stopped.

Every time he got closer, she would take a step back.

The two of them stared at each other for more than ten seconds.

Su Feifei's eyes instantly lit up with a burning desire for victory.

She finally understood!

"This is not a competition."

A basin of cold water was poured on him.

Su Feifei instantly calmed down.

Was she competing to see who could last longer without blinking?

Was that why she was watching so closely?