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Luo Xiong froze on the spot for a long time before he lowered his head to reach for his phone.

It was an email.

After he opened it, he froze in place.

Bo Silin turned the wheelchair around. This time, it went very smoothly, and the buttons didn't fail.

Grandpa Bo pouted and muttered to the butler, "He's grown."

"This is the detailed record of the Luo family's illegal purchase of living beings."

Bo Silin knocked on the edge of the wheelchair, his voice soft and slow.

"T-this is impossible!" Luo Xiong said angrily, "Where did you find that out?!"

He had erased all the purchase records! Furthermore, this matter was completed overseas through the channels of acquaintances, so it was impossible for it to be leaked!

How could Bo Silin have such an ability?