What Does it Mean to Like Someone?

Bo Silin found a tree to lean against.

"I have a few questions to ask the Empress." He opened his mouth, his voice carrying a natural laziness.

Su Feifei looked at him from more than ten meters away.

The night was like his coat, almost blending him into the dark.

Even if it was just a casual action of leaning against the wall, with a love-shaped walking stick next to him, wearing the most ordinary desert island team uniform, it was still too eye-catching.

At this moment, the zipper of the team uniform was pulled to the top.

It revealed a section of its neck, and when his adam's apple moved up and down, it made people unable to take their eyes off it.

"Yes, speak." Su Feifei said casually.

"What would happen if you looked back when you went into battle?"

"You will die."

"Yes, we will die." Bo Silin's fingertips wrapped around a leaf. "Being alive is also a fight. So, don't look back."