You're Like That Too

The crowd automatically shuffled aside and opened up a path.

After a while, the end of the tunnel was empty, and only the cold wind of the deserted island blew slowly.

Dead silence.

"Where is he?" Qiu Ye was full of questions.

"Director Qiu, Mister Gu said he's going to take a shower…" Someone raised his hand to answer.

Qiu Ye was speechless.

"D*mn it, another lunatic!"

He wanted to take a shower on such an important occasion.

Did he forget his mission?

"I'll go find him right away!" Qiu Ye said and strode away.

Su Feifei raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Bo Silin.

Bo Silin was still reminiscing about that name.

Combined with the gift that Qiu Ye had just mentioned, he suddenly had an ominous feeling.

"Bo Silin."

Su Feifei's voice brought him back to his senses. Under the warm yellow light, her side profile was firm and her eyes were fixed on him.