Take His Life

His face was swollen, and there was dry blood on his lips. He had his eyes closed and there was an ECG monitor at the side. There were red and green waves and numbers on them.

Su Feifei glanced at it and walked to the bed.

She lowered her eyes. Suddenly, she reached out to Gu Sheng's neck.

Then, she pulled something off his neck.

It was a pendant. After opening it, there was a photo inside.

Su Feifei raised her eyebrows. The background of the photo was already beginning to turn yellow. The girl in the photo was only eight or nine years old, and she had a bright smile.

She looked a little familiar.

"This is your photo." Bo Silin's voice came from behind.

Su Feifei had heard him when he came in. However, because the smell was familiar, she knew it was him and didn't turn back.

"Me?" Su Feifei glanced sideways.

"Yes, when you were eight years old."

"How did you know?"

"I've checked your information before."