Love Lines

"That little actress is also very brave. She dared to argue with someone when they criticized Su Feifei in front of her. I saw that she left with injuries. I heard that Assistant Pei beat her up in the cave."

"A beating is already light. Even if we expose him, when Bo Silin sees his old lover, he won't be able to put down his ego to deal with her. "

[Are you two just talking about the issue in the open??]

[The movie queen? No way… Is it who I think it is?]

[Damn, could this crew be the crew of Gong Xi??]

[That's very possible! They just returned from closed-door training and filming overseas, and the location of the shooting just happens to fit the script!]

[I'm numb. I'm deceased. I'm sat. The dead love revives yet again.]

[I know about the love between the movie queen and king. It's only right that I share my folder with all of you.]