Supportive Husband

The bullet screen also exploded.

[Things are getting exciting!]

[Why did they suddenly start fighting?!]

[Su Feifei's expression is no different from seeing her father's murderer!]

"Uh the bear… Uh…" The staff member looked at the bear on the ground. For a moment, he didn't know which one to deal with.

"Stop them! Stop her! Are you blind? Humans are more dangerous than bears these days!" Qiu Ye roared.

By the time the bear was dealt with, the person was already gone!

On the other side, Su Feifei had already pulled the trigger, her face expressionless.

The tranquilizer gun exploded.

She brushed past Gu Sheng's face.

Gu Sheng's pupils shrank!

He gritted his teeth and looked at Su Feifei.

Su Feifei's eyes were colder than the muzzle of a gun.

Her hands were also very steady as she placed another arrow.

This time, Gu Sheng did not avoid her. He stood there and looked at her.