Meant to Be

Tiantian's fingers moved up and down, and a simple yet exciting prelude came up.

Xiao He suddenly stood up!

He cupped his hands into the shape of a horn and shouted at the other side.

The three people on the opposite boat were speechless.

Tiantian waved her hand and stood up. 

"Feifei is as stunning as the ocean view!"

Shen Ruoqing joined in.

"She's the queen of steel, and she'll destroy those who dare to do anything evil with her eyes!"

Su Ling, "She and Bo Silin are meant to be!"

The singing suddenly stopped. Then, the sound of the drums joined the ensemble!

The boat opened up a path.

Three brawny men in suits and bow ties strode out from the back.

A dance!

"Oh, Feifei and Silin..."

"Both in love..."

The brawny man tore off his suit and was actually wearing a grass skirt!

"Getting married by the beach…"

They danced to the beat.