Negative Number

The few of them looked at each other. With Xiao He as the leader, they quickly formed a team and glared at the other side.

"Let's go, Su Feifei!"

"Shut it! Have you seen Qin Ya? She's definitely better!"

"Who cares?" Qiao Hefeng shouted, "How many pieces of land do you have? Oh, a negative number? Heavens! How could someone have a negative number!"

Qin Ya's team was infuriated. 

Gu Sheng, who was dragged down along with her, was speechless.

"There's no need to argue." Qin Ya walked in front of him and said, "I can win."

Her back was small and slender, but she had full explosive power.

[Is she really that awesome?]

[This back view looks cowardly! I want Su Feifei!]

[Qin Ya, you can do it! Surpass them! Beat them all!]

[It's impossible to win! Qin Ya is an all-rounded winner!]

[Finally, it's time for Qin Ya to shine!]

A group of people in the hall also exclaimed at Qin Ya.