Best Rotten Meal

After that, he picked up the water and poured it into his stomach!

"This… this is too spicy! Little girl, why do you have such a weird taste?"

Too spicy?

Yuyu was stunned and looked at Qin Ya.

"Captain, didn't you say that they like spicy food?"

Qin Ya was also stunned and did not understand what was going on.

The next judges all gave the same reaction.

Qin Ya's final overall score — four points!

Dazhuang even explained to the camera, "These four points are from her sweet smile."

Qin Ya's expression was grim as she gritted her teeth.

In Su Feifei's team, Qi Zhuliang leaned against a tree and laughed.

"From their accent, I can tell that most of them are not from Shudu."

Most of the ten judges had northern accents.

In addition, the smell of the dish was special, so Qin Ya's choice of ingredients was too bold.

Losing was also within reason.