A Lighter Sentence

"Why are you still following the group?" Bimei's voice could be heard through the phone.

"I don't want to get left behind!" Su Ling lowered her voice, "Su Feifei said she's leaving. Why would I go against her?"

Bimei gritted her teeth and said, "Where did your courage go? Have you forgotten what I taught you?"

Su Ling was silent.

"Don't be soft-hearted, Su Ling!" Bimei chided her coldly, "She's your nemesis! From the moment you were born, it was destined to be like this! I've told you a million times, if you're soft-hearted when dealing with the enemy, you will get defeated!"

"Me? Soft-hearted?" Su Ling said, "Mom, you're not planning to go against her, right? Do you even know what's happening?!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, she's not a brainless person. Besides, the Bo family is backing her up now. We can't win! Didn't you see the Luo family's downfall?"