A Familiar Face!

The whole street of people was amazed!

Everyone stopped in their tracks, and the traffic immediately stopped.

The sound of photos being taken filled the air.

"She's so handsome!"

"Mom, I want to learn how to ride a horse too!"

"Oh my, she's so beautiful! Is this an advertisement for some horse riding academy?"

"Hurry up and send me the ad!"

On the way, a certain live streamer directly started the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone, I'm now at Xinglin Avenue! A woman on a horse magically appeared! What a thing to see! Who wouldn't want to reach home like this? What an awesome idea!

"If you enjoy my casting, don't forget to like, share and subscribe!"

The comments floated by.

[What an odd skill!]

[Awesome, I want to get off work like this too! I'm still stuck in traffic!]

[What's the rush?]

[My mom told me to come home quicker. I should have thought of this!]