Welcome Home

Bo Silin took a deep breath and grabbed her finger again.

"What about this?" he hoarsely pointed at himself in the center position. "How would you rank this one?"

He wouldn't be the last, right?

Based on what Su Feifei had said to Grandpa Qiu, there was no way… Right?

"Let me show you."

Su Feifei counted from left to right.

Bo Silin held her hand down. "That's enough."

From the moment she started counting, he knew he stood no fighting chance.

However, he had never expected this. In his life, his last love rival… was his family!

Su Feifei stared at his despairing face and suddenly smiled.

"And you too."

Bo Silin raised his eyes. He saw Su Feifei wriggle forward and move forward. Then, she cupped his face and took a deep breath.

That piece immediately turned his face red.

"The car today was very cool." she complimented.

Bo Silin's eyes suddenly darkened. He stared at her with undisguised desire.