Live Translations

Su Feifei didn't show any expression and just watched.

The man named Daniel had blonde hair and blue eyes, and his hair was naturally curled up. A group of people with different faces slowly walked out from behind the tree and headed in their direction.

The man in the lead looked up and glanced at Su Feifei's face.

Lin Yan immediately retreated while the medical staff went forward to bandage his wound.

For a moment, no one spoke. Even their breathing could be clearly heard.

[Damn, I'm so nervous,...]

[Yeah, I can feel everyone sweating through the screen!]

[Su Feifei is going to bore a hole through him!]

[Daniel looks just the same.]

"These are the members of the last team!" Lin Yan took the opportunity to shout, "Let's welcome Daniel! I believe many of you know him!"