Broken Watch

"Alright," she replied.

She controlled the leopard and moved forward. The phone was suddenly snatched away from her side. Su Feifei turned around and saw Bo Silin's side profile brush past her eyes.

"I'll go." His hand that was holding her wrist gently patted her back. Then, he walked over.

His tall figure stood upright, and his chest was puffed.

Daniel narrowed his eyes and was about to step forward.

"I want him to exchange it."

Bo Silin suddenly said, pointing his chin at Mike.

Mike immediately frowned.

"Why?" Daniel was alert.

"You're too ugly." Bo Silin said matter-of-factly.

Grandpa Bo appeared behind the group of people and said, "That's right. My eldest grandson hates ugly-looking things the most. It'll cause him nightmares at night."

[Stop talking, you two. If Daniel dies, there'll be no more fun on this show!]

[It's probably because Daniel pulled the watch earlier that Bo Silin is onto him.]