Stay With Me

The next second, Bo Silin picked up the oil barrel and poured it down!

"Burn them!" He turned around and screamed.

"Hey!" Xiaohong couldn't help but remind him, "You're deviating from the script."

She stopped them halfway, the script wasn't written in this way.

How would they know what the script was?!

Su Feifei was the only person who had been following the script from the beginning.

Actually, as long as the results were the same, the system should be able to determine that as a victory.

As expected, Xiao He was obedient. Screams immediately sounded from the city wall.

The system was silent for a long time.

[Judgment passed!]

"Not bad, Bo Silin!" Qin Ya roared, "Show them what you've got!"

As she spoke, she pointed the telescope at Daniel and said crazily, "Let them know the consequences of looking down on us! What did you just say? We only have one Su Feifei? No way!"