Sky Full of Helicopters

Qin Ya pushed Murray away, and he covered his head and cursed.

"It's definitely Su Feifei! Su Feifei is here!"

This time, even the staff members were in an uproar.

Daniel turned his head and looked at the helicopter that was flying over in the air with a serious expression. However, when the helicopter approached, his face brightened up again.

"This isn't theirs." He smiled. "This is ours!"

Everyone's voice suddenly became hoarse.

He looked up. As expected, the helicopter was completely black, it was different from the helicopters from the Bo family.

Qin Ya's expression changed slightly and she quickly stepped forward.

Behind him were Murray's mad roars and taunting.

"Hahaha! Do you know what our helicopter being here means?"

Qin Ya's heart sank.

Of course, she knew.

Su Feifei must have taken the helicopter to go to the island by now.