It's Really You

Her face was covered with a towel, so her expression couldn't be seen. She only spoke her words carefully.

Su Feifei glanced at her. Then, she pulled the sleeve away.

Su Ling's mouth immediately flattened, and tears directly gushed out.

"Stop talking," a cold voice came from the side.

Su Ling was stunned for a moment and shyly took off the towel!

Sure enough, Su Feifei had already taken a stool and sat down. She opened the ointment in her hand and stared at Su Ling.

Su Ling immediately smiled through her tears. Then, she thought of something, and her swollen face became serious. She whispered, "D-don't you take advantage of me!"

She knew that the tactic she used just now was the same method she used to deal with Su Feifei in the past.

What if Su Feifei hadn't gotten over the past and wanted to just aggressively apply the medicine?

Su Feifei was stunned.