Good Move

Su Feifei looked at the white birch forest. The snow was thick, there were many obstacles, and there were few places to run and hide.

She was very familiar with the environment in the wild, and there was a natural sense of familiarity that surged in her.

'System, how many more shock points do I need to repair the next level?' Su Feifei asked.

[The last two levels are the most difficult to break through! It requires 100 million shock points! You've accumulated more than 40 million points as of now.]

It seemed like she would have to use her full strength this time.

Su Feifei glanced behind her and froze.

"Su Feifei, if you have any instructions, just say it!" Ina stood at the front of the team, her eyes were filled with determination.

Director Liu sneered.

Just like that?

They didn't understand each other's language, and there was no tacit understanding.

How could they be compared to the cat group?