Stop Them!

Su Feifei didn't retreat. Instead, she advanced and raised her hand down to cut!

Darren's screams became louder.

"That's crazy! Is anyone coming? She's going to kill someone!"

On the other side, the staff who heard the roar tried to enter the birch forest but were stopped by Director Liu.

Director Liu thought of Su Feifei's terrifying eyes and refused to go in.

"Alright, alright, I don't think it's a big deal. It's only a fight!"

Director Liu called out to everyone. "Let's repair the signal device first!"

"But… I heard something about murder..."

"How is that possible?" Director Liu's face was pale, and he forced a smile. "Su Feifei wouldn't have the guts, hehe."

He laughed dryly. He found that everyone was looking at him with the same gaze. Obviously, none of the members present who had experienced Su Feifei's previous two shows had the same opinion.