Losing and Winning

Su Feifei smiled and picked up the cup.

She touched Z's cup gently.

"I don't understand," She said.

All of his domineering aura collapsed in an instant.

Bo Silin pressed down the corner of his lips and turned to the side to smile. The people around him were also inexplicably affected by the laughing point. They shrugged their shoulders and lowered their heads in silence.

Su Feifei actually understood what he said. She had already exchanged language skills.

However, she didn't want to respond, so she just stared at Z.

Z's lips curved into a smile very quickly. No one could tell what he was feeling.

"That was rude of me." He switched to an understandable language. "I almost forgot about that. That's right, with Bo Silin around doting on her so much, you only need to show off in the show. It's like you don't have any other skills. 

These words were heart-wrenching.