She's Changed

Bo Silin brought the woman out of the car. 

"You need to treat your wounds first."

When they came out of the hospital again, Su Feifei grabbed Bo Silin.

"I've thought about it. If the other party could kill me directly, there would be no need for so many complications. Therefore, my identity as the main character here is also a guarantee that I won't die."

"Since that person can't touch me, they will try and control the others. These frequent actions started when I obtained the system and planned to repair the world.

"In other words, the faster the world is repaired, the more panicked that person will become."

Su Feifei curled her lips and finally gave her answer.

"The longer it takes, the higher chance we have of winning."

No matter who was on the other side, she was certain that the person was chasing time and trying to stop her from repairing the world. That was why they were so anxious and exposed a flaw.