Local Specialties

When Bo Silin came out of the bathroom, he didn't see Su Feifei and immediately started looking for her.

"She's upstairs."

Su Ling quickly said and turned around to leave.

Bo Silin turned around and went upstairs.

When he opened the door, Su Feifei had just zipped up and was about to leave.

Bo Silin leaned against the door and smiled.

"What secret treasure are you hiding?"

"Su Ling flew to Sakura Country yesterday and brought me some local specialties," Su Feifei said.

Local specialties?

Bo Silin raised his eyebrows and stared at her skeptically.

"Do you want to see it?" She asked.

"You'll show it to me?"

"Of course." Su Feifei curled her lips. "Aren't you my fiance? If you want to, you can."

Su Feifei approached him. Her breath swept past him, and a faint fragrance entered his nose.

A honey trap… This was a honey trap.

Bo Silin knew that Su Feifei must be holding it in.