For You, Always

There was no one on the bed. There was only a note on the table.

Su Feifei went closer and picked it up.

I don't want to see them. I'm going out for a walk. I'll pick you up after you're done.

It was followed by a simple drawing of a little person crying.

Su Feifei laughed.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Su Feifei immediately put the note away.

Su Ling's face peeked through the door and looked at Su Feifei.

"I've got it, do you want to use it tonight?"

Su Feifei pondered for a moment and gave an okay sign.

Su Ling immediately smiled.

"Then let's go! They said they're going out to celebrate, so I'll help you dress up!"

Dress up?

"There's no need..."

"At least wear something nice to entice Bo Silin!" Su Ling pushed her into the door, "The atmosphere is very important! Men are all visual animals, trust me!"

When the door closed and opened again, everyone was shocked.