Four Actresses

The moment he finished speaking, the numbers on the big screen started to explode like fireworks!



In the blink of an eye, the number dwindled to 108 participants.

[What the f*ck??!!]

[Is this true?! Are you serious?]

[What's going on??]

The number eventually dropped to zero.

In just a short minute, no one could react. The drone hovered in the air, and no one dared to speak. Everyone looked at each other, unable to believe what they were seeing.

Xiao He, Qiao Hefeng, the brawny men, and the others were holding paint guns in their hands. There was a pile of powder at each of their feet.

It looked like they had just experienced a fierce battle.

For half a minute, no one said a word.

Then, Su Feifei's side burst into laughter.

"Just like that?"

"Su Feifei, thank you for putting on an act with them before!"