Outright Murder

He gritted his teeth and glared at Bo Silin.

"You, you..."

"It hurts, right?" Bo Silin lowered his voice. "She can only treat you the day after tomorrow."

Just now, Su Feifei had sent Xiao He to tell him that it could be cured.

This made Qi Yang raise his flag and drum again.

"The day after tomorrow? Why the day after tomorrow?" Qi Yang immediately replied, "Why can't it be tomorrow? Is there someone ahead of me?"

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it.

Bo Silin was injured again.

Qi Yang was still mumbling from behind, "No way! I should be the first of the line! Why is Su Feifei treating others? It should only be me!"

He turned around and left.

Qi Yang was still mumbling from behind,"no way!" Were there so many injured men in the world? And why was Su Feifei willing to treat him? And it's even in front of me? Secretary! Oh, no... The Secretary did not follow! Little brother!"

He grabbed Qi Cheng.