Always Thinking of Her

The seal in her hand had Bo Silin's name engraved on it.

"My personal seal."

He said in a low voice, "With this, you can have all the properties under my name."

[What the f*ck!!! Bo Silin, you're really good at this!]

[I suspect that this man is doing this on purpose!! Did he plan on doing it in front of the whole world?]

[I can't even put myself in Bo Silin's shoes cause I can never be this sweet!]

[He's so handsome!]

[I admit, I was blinded by money when I fell in love!]

Bo Silin leaned over to a point where the drones couldn't capture him, he added...

"It's not only in this world."

Su Feifei clenched her fists and carefully put them into her collar.

She raised her head and looked into Bo Silin's eyes, saying seriously, "I'll keep it well."

The sound of footsteps interrupted the warm moment inside.

"They're here! The car has already entered the city," Qiao Hefeng said.