Restoration Complete

The system replied, [Su Feifei, it's maxed out! I can check the last hidden information now!]

When Su Feifei heard the sound again, the powder around her was rushing toward her.

The prayers in her ears suddenly became louder!

"Her Majesty has died!"

It was followed by crying, hissing, and pulling.

When she opened her eyes, she felt as if she was in the middle of the galaxy. In front of her was no longer the temple, but a scene reflected in time and space.

She was on the battlefield.

The horse's hooves flew past her, and she was lying among the corpses on the ground. An arrow had been shot between her eyebrows.

Wei Ling kneeled at the side, his legs weak and his face numb.

Wails could be heard all around.

On the streets, the commoners who heard the news all cried and knelt on the ground.

The palace was in chaos, and the whole country was mourning the loss of their Empress.