Until the End

Then, Bo Silin opened his eyes under the cliff. There were only four elements in the lake — a naked man, a campfire, a pair of swaying boxers, and an expressionless woman.

It was her first time being carried like a princess and he was shocked.

The first time she celebrated his birthday, she even gave him a gas station.

"It's perfect for your kidney deficiency."

The scene changed.

He helped her put on the watch, and a message came through the watch. [The moon is so beautiful tonight.]

He airdropped the big gift bag and she said to the camera, "When are you coming back? I miss you."

There was also the time when they were in the tent, where he patiently taught her what a heartbeat was, what was a kiss, and what was love.

The speed of the images suddenly increased.

The carved heart on the tree, the Emperor's seal that turned into a necklace, Dayan Island, the white horse and traffic, and the transparent lighthouse.