Hiring Someone To Do Some Work

"This kid Da Bao is bright. Your attitude towards him just now was a little too bad, wasn't it?"

Uncle Liu was a straightforward person and would never beat around the bush. He was like Aunt Liu, though they were not from the same family.

Mo Ruyue didn't like people interfering in her family's affairs, even with good intentions.

She said coldly, "Uncle Liu, you only saw the obedient side of Da Bao. But did you see his stubborn side? I have my own reasons for disciplining my child."

Uncle Liu was stunned. He was about to retort when he suddenly saw many people walking over.

"Qin family, we're here to help."

The man in the lead greeted Mo Ruyue.

Before they went home just now, Mo Ruyue had wandered around the village. At this time, other than the men working in the fields, there were also some women who had finished doing housework gathered in groups of two or three, chatting and gossiping.