Moving Furniture

"I've bought quite a lot, but it's true. Such a big house was destroyed by Old Lady Qin into an empty shell. It is only natural that I buy everything. Even the doors and windows have been destroyed. If it wasn't for the Qin family selling a big tiger to earn some money, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to afford these things. "

Another person said from the side, but there was a completely different emotion in his words, which was full of jealousy and hate. It sounded more sour.

"Hey, look! There are still people transporting livestock behind them! Good fellow! But the cowshed and stable are all made of wood, but the stone walls of the pigpen have not dried yet. If the pigs are put in there, won't they all run out?"

"Zhen, didn't Madam Qin think of this yesterday? She's not even worried, so why are you worried for her?"

As the villagers discussed among themselves, the convoy got closer and closer, and soon stopped at the village entrance.