Let’s Watch the Show

 "Let's sleep here for one more night and move in tomorrow evening. "

Mo Ruyue spoke as the babies widened their eyes and let out an "ah" in unison.

A look of disappointment appeared on their faces. They had been waiting for their mother for a long time, but they didn't expect that in the end, their mother would say that they weren't moving anymore. It was easy to imagine how disappointed the babies would be.

 "It's just one night. We've spent countless nights here. Can't we wait for just one more night?"

 Da Bao also had his bag ready next to him. After he heard Mo Ruyue's words, although the disappointment on his face was obvious, he quickly adjusted himself and immediately began to enlighten his younger siblings.

 As he spoke, he pushed the big bag into the pit, leaving a place for him to sleep. He said to the other babies, "It's almost time. Who's going to cook dinner with me?"