Unaccountable Bad Debts

When that man saw that Mo Ruyue was silent, he thought that he had caught her weak spot and suddenly began to be unforgiving.

"Speak! What medicine did you give to my mother? When we were separated, she could still walk with my help. Why is she lying there now, not moving or talking? I can't even look at her!"

The more aggressive he was, the more he tried to hide his guilty conscience. Especially when Mo Ruyue's sharp eyes were staring at him, he felt like he was being stripped naked and standing in front of her.

"Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning by saying these words?"

Da Bao, who was still standing at the door of Sixth Uncle's house, suddenly spoke.

Although he was only eleven years old, because of Mo Ruyue's generous feeding of all kinds of delicious food during this period of time, including chicken, duck, fish, and exotic delicacies, and even a lot of Medicinal Food, Da Bao's height had directly soared a lot in a very short time.