The Sign Has Been Smashed

"I've always been a person who's afraid of trouble, so the last thing I want to do is to meddle in other people's business. Of course, you can choose to be a kind person, but kindness also has conditions. Kindness without a bottom line is stupid. "

Mo Ruyue didn't speak tactfully and implicitly just because they were young.

Subtlety was meant for mature and smart people. The babies were smart but not mature enough, so it was obvious that euphemistic words would not work.

Even though he was so straightforward, Tang Tang and Si Bao still looked lost. Er Bao and San Bao were still better off. They were trying very hard to understand the meaning of Mo Ruyue's words. Da Bao, on the other hand, was too mature for his age. There was no need to worry about him.

"Mother, are you saying that in the future, we can't just be kind people?"