In The End, He Still Came

"If you have the time to gossip, it is better to speed up. Master is still waiting for us to invite the person back and Madam is still waiting for treatment. You can talk now, but if you delay your work, I'll see how you can be happy. "

His long string of words not only stunned Constable Wang but also the other two constables. They had only just realized that Constable Liao could have such a glib tongue. Did that mean that his usual reticence meant that he disdained to talk to them?

Constable Liao did not care about how his three comrades looked at him. He just whipped his horse, and it neighed and sped up immediately, leaving the other horse and carriage behind.

How could Constable Wang let Constable Liao beat him to it? He immediately whipped his horse and urged it to catch up.