Learning How To Drive

"Madam, this medicine was specially concocted by me. I only have this bottle with me now, and I still have to use it, so I can't keep it. Anyway, I've been coming here every day these days, so I won't delay applying the medicine for you. After I've concocted another bottle, I'll leave it for you. "

This was a free sample in the medical room. If she wanted to make it according to the prescription, she would have to compare the effects, so she would definitely not leave it for the county magistrate's wife.

"Then what if my wound itches again? If it doesn't stop the itch, won't I have to scratch it again? What if I scratch it again?"

Liu Wangshi's willowy brows also furrowed. She was clearly very dissatisfied with Mo Ruyue's answer.

"Wife, this medicine is not to make you feel itchy. You should have heard that medicine is 30% poisonous, right? It might make you feel comfortable, but there will be side effects if you use it too much."