
Now that the babies had started to read, they didn't go to sleep directly after bathing every day. Instead, they had an additional project of reviewing their homework.

"Alright, you guys go first. Mother still has things to do."

After Mo Ruyue replied, she lowered her head and looked at her notes again.

After the babies finished bathing, they changed into clean white clothes and returned to the "classroom", feeling refreshed. They sat behind their respective desks and began to review the content they had learned today.

Da Bao and Er Bao had learned more knowledge, so they took longer to review. However, after only two hours, Mo Ruyue urged them to rest.

Only by balancing work and rest could they learn better and more. Mo Ruyue didn't want them to become bookworms who only knew how to study.

Although the next day Mo Ruyue wasn't on duty at Huichun Hall, she went to the restaurant to hand in the game.