
"Hey-hey, did you guys see that? Isn't that Lady Qin? Why did she bring a man home?"

"Here, there was someone who stopped her carriage on this road yesterday. He kowtowed and bowed, and his face was covered in blood. Who knows what he was doing?"

"Tsk, tsk, don't tell me she's been a widow for too long and can't hold on any longer, huh? Hahaha!"

It was unknown who said this in a perverted tone, but it immediately attracted a wave of meaningful laughter.

This matter spread from one to ten, ten to a hundred. Soon, it had spread throughout the entire village. Even the first and second branch of Qin Family had heard the news.

"What? Mo Ruyue brought a wild man home?"

Qin Shi was originally sitting cross-legged on the bed, but when she heard this news, she almost sprung from the bed to the ground, scaring the second daughter-in-law, Wang Shi, who was in front of her.

"Mother, you have to be careful!"