This Wolf Is Really A Demon

Mo Ruyue's voice was as gentle and firm as her hand, calming down the anxious little wolf.

"That's right. After the acupuncture, I'll boil some medicine for you. You'll be fine soon after you take the medicine."

Soon, the sick wolf cubs were all injected. Each wolf took three shots. After getting used to the pain, the wolf cubs stopped struggling.

Mo Ruyue quickly entered the interspace again. It would only take a moment for her to brew the medicine in the interspace now, so she quickly brought out a large basin of herbal juice for the sick wolves to take their medicine.

After the medicine was fed, she left a basin of spatial spring water like last time. Although drinking this water was not as effective as the herbal juice, it could cure diseases.

After doing all this, Mo Ruyue petted the little wolf a few more times and said softly, "I've already done what I can for you. The rest is up to you. You must work hard!"